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The Life Of Christy Huddleston
Kellie Martin as Christy Huddleston

This website celebrates Christy Huddleston, a young woman who sets out on her own to teach school set back in the Appalachian Mountains. The television series, which is based on a novel by Catherine Marshall explores the life of Christy as she meets the inhabitants of the mountains. There she finds the calling of God, and finds out what love really is. It is a story of inspiration, love, and faith.

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God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things I can, and
Wisdom to know the difference.

Christy and Neil MacNeill
Christy and Alice Henderson
Christy and Reverend David Grantland

[Somewhere Between Dances...By Jill Kirkley]       [A Time to Dance...By Jill Kirkley]

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The Great Smokies.
When I left my city home
to be a schoolteacher at a backwoods mission,
I dreamed of adventure.
I wasn't ready for the real challenges
of life in these mountains.

I'd have given up,
if not for the children.
I came to Cutter Gap to teach
but they show me everyday
that I'm here to learn.
~ spoken by Christy Huddleston ~

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Last updated: January 29, 2000