Here is a GREAT place I found to play games for free and win real money! I won here on December 11, 2000. It was a jackpot of $5725.00!!! Whoooo!!!Give it a try you have nothing to lose *S*
Here is a fun site to play free games and chat with others at the same time. Some of the games have jackpots of money and others are just to play for fun!
Like to shop? Check out the great specials here!!!!
If you don't know what Virtual PLaces is ..Go here to check it out and download..if you is one of the neatest chat proggies around!!!
Planning a Virtual Places Wedding?
These are great link sites for doing AV and Gesture shopping and other things for VP!!!!
Lot of links for VP shopping...all with descriptions of what the site has..really nice set up!!!
Over 1400 Links for VP shopping!!!!
Everything for the person getting virtually married..even a place to get married at..Great Site!!!
Get MEGA and alot more VP proggies here!!!
PSP LINKS Mostly links for of my favorite things...LOL
VOICE CHAT ROOMS I made Chit Chat with US ChatterBox Addicts Due to HearMe stopping their Voice Chat service these pages no longer have voice on them. I have looked into some other voice programs but have not found one I like yet. I hope to find one soon and have them back to voice. Until then you can still enjoy the pictures and use the page for typing in VP.