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Jim's Photo Page - Macro Lens Ratings

Macro Lens Ratings from

Photodo is the web site of TIPA, the TECHNICAL IMAGE PRESS ASSOCIATION. It is an association of 28 European photography magazines.

Photodo does MTF tests on Hasselblad test equipment. Several MTF scores for each lens are combined and averaged and each lens is given an overall rating with 5,0 as the highest possible rating. The higher the rating the sharper the lens. Photodo follows the European convention of using commas where we use decimal points. 4,1 below is the same as 4.1 in our numbering system. You can find out more about their ratings at the link at the bottom of this page.

Photodo’s ratings of 25 macro lenses:

Canon EF 100/2,8 Macro
Photodo test result: 4,4

Canon EF 180/3,5L USM Macro
Photodo test result: 3,9

Canon EF 50/2,5 Macro
Photodo test result: 4,4

Cosina AF 100/3,5 Macro
Photodo test result: 2,8

Leica Apo-Macro-Elmarit-R 100/2,8
Photodo test result: 4,5

Minolta AF 100/2,8 Macro 1:1
Photodo test result: 4,5

Minolta AF 50/2,8 Macro1:1
Photodo test result: 4,5

Nikkor AF Micro 105/2,8D
Photodo test result: 3,9

Nikkor AF Micro 60/2,8D
Photodo test result: 4,2

Nikkor Micro 105/2,8
Photodo test result: 4,1

Nikkor Micro 55/2,8
Photodo test result: 4,4

Olympus 90/2 macro
Photodo test result: 4,2

Pentax SMCP-FA 100/3,5 Macro
Photodo test result: 3,7

Pentax SMC-FA Makro 100/2,8
Photodo test result: 3,9

Pentax SMC-A Macro 200/4ED
Photodo test result: 4,2

Pentax SMC-F 100/2,8 macro
Photodo test result: 4,3

Pentax SMC-F 50/2,8 macro
Photodo test result: 4,6

Sigma AF 105/2,8 EX Macro
Photodo test result: 4,1

Sigma AF 90/2,8 Makro
Photodo test result: 4,2

Sigma AF 50/2,8 EX Macro
Photodo test result: 4,2

Tamron AF SP 90/2,8 Macro
Photodo test result: 4,3

Tamron SP 90/2,5 macro
Photodo test result: 4,2

Tokina AT-X AF 100/2,8 Macro
Photodo test result: 3,9

Tokina AT-X 90/2,5 macro
Photodo test result: 4,6

Vivitar AF 100/3,5 macro
Photodo test result: 3,2

These results are reproduced here with the special permission of Photodo. For more detailed reports, go to
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A Pink Ladyslipper Orchid and Some Thoughts on Macro Lenses

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Added January 27, 2000