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Watch them walk down a home made or store bought ramp or across a table and "mysteriously" stop at the edge before falling off (sometimes). And "no winding required". A simple plastic toy that you got from the local 5 and dime store,vending machine or from your favorite box of cereal or restaurant now may be worth hundreds of dollars to a collector. Ramp walkers date back to the late 19th century and were made of metal. My favorites however are the plastic medium sized ones that Marx came out with during the 1950's and 1960's. Some of the more popular variations include Flintstones, Jetsons and Walt Disney characters.
This collection and list shown here has been compiled over the past years from auctions, antique and toy dealers, toy shows, trade magazines and other collectors. Efforts have been made to accurately name and categorize the variations of ramp walkers. Manufacturers and dates have been included when available. Throughout the pages, collecting tips are continuously being added to help you with your collection. If you collect them too, tell me about your latest find. If you have a question, comment, praise, criticism, a ramp walker, or other related information not shown here I would love to hear from you! If you would like to start browsing, click here and thanks for taking the time to visit.    JD

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Last Revision: 11 November 2014.