Hi! This is my very first web site. It is a little bit about me, some things to do in Michigan and some of the things that I enjoy, such as humor, poetry, recipes, birds and books. I have also included some things for you all to have fun with, like a free digital post card site and a free virtual flower shop. For all the romantics out there I have created some love letters, greetings and letters of friendship to send to all your friends. Also included in this site is a links page to some of my favorite places on the web. While you are here you might want to check out my Web-Rings page. You may find a group there that you want to join, or just check out some of the great sites that they link to! I have created a Website Award for all the hard working webmasters out there. If you think your site deserves an award swing by my awards page and apply.....go ahead, it's easy ! I have had a lot of fun, and sometimes frustrating moments creating this site! I hope you enjoy your visit and will come back again real soon. Thanks for stopping by!! If you want to hear some music while you are here hit the start button on the midi player at the bottom of the page.