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Kalamazoo Weather
The WeatherPixie

vintage clothing is love

I'm 21 years old, and I live in Kalamazoo, MI. I have a two-bedroom apartment with my friend, Kevin, who is a photographer (hire him!)

I go to school at Western Michigan University, where I have a double major in English and Psychology and a minor in History. My goal is to become a police psychologist, specializing in forensic psychology.

I work at Papa John's as a driver, which doesn't pay much, but I'm happy. I go to Chicago fairly often. I love that city. I plan to go to graduate school there (I should have my bachelors within the next year or two). I'm hoping to get into the University of Chicago. It's beautiful.

I love all things dark and macabre. I love to cook, play the piano, sing, dance, and swim. I really miss camping and hiking. I need to get up north soon. I just got a kitty, and I adore him. I named him Gomez. :) I'll post pictures soon.

That's a short summary of my life. I don't really have too much going on, even though I'm 21 already.