Where to go - Things To See
Want the Scoop on Snoflake??
My Collection Of Quotes
My Cyber Friends' Homepages
My Favorite Links
What I Have Learned
The Keeper of Friendship
My Morning Prayer
View The Awards For My Home Page!!
Win Snoflake's Superior Site Award!!
Coming Soon!! My Daughter Cameron's Page
Okay, so you're here and you're
probably asking yourself "Now what?"
Well, I have a whole slew of pages and places for you at the top of this intro for you
to click on and visit. Visit one or
visit them all!! Just grab a cup of
coffee (I'll take mine sweet and light), sit
back, and make yourself at home.
Just one more thing...get your face outta my fridge and your feet offa my coffee table... :ق
Return to old watering holes for more
than water - friends and dreams are
there to meet you.......African Proverb
National Center
For Missing and
Exploited Children
Oh yeah...I want to point out that what
I have here in the pages of my soul are
thought to be of public domain. If
something is, in fact, copyrighted, and
I have not given credit where credit is
due, or if it is copyrighted and needs
to be removed from any of my pages,
please e-mail me and I will remove it or
give someone the well deserved credit
for it.
Some vague portion of this site last
updated 04-02-01
I used to have a life...now I have
If you arrived at Come Into My
Parlour... via a WebRing, you can
continue to surf from here.
Copyright 1999/2000/2001 Amanda Hazeltine
All Rights Reserved Worldwide