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Stuff About Me! *G*

The Basics:

Height: 5'6"
Weight: LoL I don't think so!
Eyes: Blue-green, but can change minute to minute to everything from Hazel to Golden
Hair: Well, when I had hair, I guess you could say it was strawberry-blondish.. with a little more strawberry than blond.. :)
Distinguishing marks: I have 7 tattoos, and gonna get more, as soon as I have the cash and the designs. hehe and my tongue is peirced. (pics of the tats to come!)

I think that's it on the basic bullsh*t... If you want a deeper look, read my poetry n stuff... But that still won't tell you who I am. I don't even think I know that for sure. Most times, my friends know me better than I know myself, which is kinda scary sometimes. So, in a nutshell, that's me. Check out the rest of my site to get more glances into my mind... :)

Oh, but I do know one thing... Of all things I cherish my friends, my music and my writing the most. Anyone messes with any of the above, they're likely to get their ass kicked! =) But I'm really not a bad person, I'm just very possessive about certain things...

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