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SpellSongs Home
~My name is Aaron~
My friends on the net know me as the Twylight Priest

And this is my home on the web.

I am glad that your mouse has brought you here. This is probably not the most exciting page you will ever visit but I call it home. So who am I? Well visit my bio page for my stats and essential information. Or to get a better idea of who the Twylight Priest is just explore my poems page. Or you might be interested in my stories page. These are stories I have found on the net that have touched my life.

If you're interested you can click here to see pictures of me, my loved ones, and many of those who are trully special to me.

My website has grown far to large for me to provide links to every page and sub page but for easy access just click on the sitemap link located at the bottom of every page. I don't currently have a guest book, my old one just died one overlooked day. But hey if you like what you see why not drop me a note?

Contact me at Feel free to add me to your buddy list too. I always welcome new friends. Once again thank you for visiting my home on the web. I hope you come back again.

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