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SpellSongs Seal

An Award for Knightly Excelence

Through his or her actions, a Knights life must set an example of excelence. Four principals or rules of behavior are used to set this example. These four principals are: Honor, Love, Compassion, and Loyalty.

In my time on the internet I have come across a few sites that demonstrate these qualities. Therefore they have been awarded SpellSongs Seal. An award offered to those who would honor the estate of Knighthood.

Those sites and most worthy people are:

Lady Velm of Velm's Fantasy Realm.
For being an Honorable, Loving woman, and holding the tenants of Knighthood as her Truths.

Cool mom of Cool mom's home
For the Love and devotion (Loyalty) expressed within her pages.

ruagoodwitch2 of Witchway

Bobbie of Buck Babies Printables
For being a Knight means Compassionately aiding others.

Meghan's Auntie of Meghan's Fairy Tale pages
For the Love and devotion to our children. For teaching, which is trully an Honorable task.

To Lady Zinna of Lady Zinnia's Home
For the beauty, Compasiion, Love and all of the Knightly qualities contained within her site and her heart.

To Silent Wolf of Silent Wolfs Trails and Dream Dancers
For helping to spread laughter. For Compassion to others and for atempting to spread knowlege. For being a truly Honorable person.

To Marina Goodheart of Marina's First Homepage .
Because her page displays All of the Tenants of Knighthood. Through her Courage to Love without prejudice. For the Compassion she shows everyone and for the Loyalty she has shown her son and her family, and last for the Honor with which she deals with others.

Lady Goodheart, as I write this I have tears in my eyes. Women like you are rare. I know the All Mother has blessed you. Thank you for blessing us!

To Blackhawk aka Mark of Blackhawk's Home Page
For the obvious love with witch his page has been built. For the patience he has shown in applying for this award and for embracing the estate of knighthood and making it his.

To Mary of Zanavon Rising
For her pages are rich with Love and Compassion. A knight holds these tennants close to his heart for they allow him to serve his office with Honor.

Perhaps your site meets my requirements? If you believe so send your address, a request for review, and a brief statement as to why you feel your site should be awarded SpellSongs Seal to me Sir Aaron SpellSong I will review your site and perhaps you do embody those rare qualities.

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