Last updated 2/13/2000

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When will they stop sending me this crap?

And these....

The original "Please join us! Everybody found out we sucked, quit using our service, and got a REAL ISP!" CD.
Total sent to me through work and home: 11

You know the reason it looks like a caution sign don't you? They're trying to tell you something.
Total sent to me through work and home: 5

Looks a lot like the first CD, but it's the "GOLD" version! Woohoo! Same crappy content, same crappy service, but who are they really fooling?
Total sent to me through work and home: 9

What the hell is this supposed to be? Now they're saying I get 250 hours in a month. Do they realize that's like over 8 hours a day? Is anyone on their computer 8 hours a day? And what's with the spots? Are we on an African safari now? But wait! It's version 5.0!! Maybe I should join that there's a new type of buggy software out now!
Total sent to me through work and home: 5

Hehe...this one's great! It just shows how ignorant AOL really is. Check it out all the "ALL NEW" stuff:
"High Speed Access" - Which means you'll disconnect even faster! Woohoo!
"Faster Internet" - if you're used to a 14.4 Modem.
"Personalized Welcome Screen" - Yeah? What's your point?
"MSIE 5.0" - Sorry, it's outdated much for "all new".
"7 e-mail addresses" - You can get more than that all over the internet, big deal.
Total sent to me through work and home: 6

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