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St. Paul Knights of Columbus Council #2632

What you should know

Web sites of Interest to the Knights of Columbus

State Website
Jones Council Home Page
MI Drive 2005 Pictures
Christmas Party 2005

Meetings have been combined on the second Monday of the month, Officers Meeting 6:15 P.M. and the General Meeting at 7:00 P.M., please plan to attend. New Grand Knight-Walter Maida and Deputy Grand Knight- Victor Andrzejczak, will head the 2006-07 year. Pray for all the Knights and wives with cancer-Ron Mysliwiec(PGK), Gail Zubel, Joan Walters, Frank Kadyzewski, Robert Leach and any others in need of our prayers to win their battles. E-mail your questions or comments, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. This page was last updated on Sunday, July 30, 2006.
