This page is dedicated to my Soul Sister,Red Lace Angel. She loves The Pooh Bear & I love her so I decided to make this for her.
Friends are there to enjoy your pleasures with you & comfort you in those times of pain. Kelly definately is a true friend.
Red is always there to cheer everyone up. It's no wonder we all love her. She spoils all her cyber sissers & friends as much as she can.Whether it means sacrificing her own wants & needs.I always seem to share every feeling I have with her whether they are good feelings or bad ones. She always seems to make me feel better each time too. She's super sista if you ask me *L* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Pooh Snowglobe was awarded to Kelly from Allie of Poohbear's Den. Wasn't that nice?
Sometimes it's just nice to know a friend is there:Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh!" he whispered. "Yes, Piglet?" "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you."
Kelly,I just want you to know you could be sure of me *luv bug hugz*
I adopted this luvbug for you. It seemed fitting with all the luvbug hugz I give you *LOL*
I also adopted this cow for her because she loooves cows just as much as she loves Pooh bear.
Well folks I can go on & on about Kelly so I think it's time I just let you all go with this in mind....In this world you have nothing if you don't have friends.Good bye & keep yourselves safe.
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