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The Interact Family Computer

This page is only to fill the need of something on the internet about this Computer by Interact Electronics Inc. of Ann Arbor, MI. This is one more thing I have no expertise with, I just happen to have two of them.
          List of known computers:
Model # Serial #  Key type:  Memory:  Possessor: Condition:
1 002623 high black  16k Aaron Howald  working,  looking for joys'
006298 low Gray  ( working
006366 David Rowlson  working
007570 high black 16k  Larry Greenfield 
Larry's CoCo Page
009125 high black 16k ( working
1 011014 high black ? Jeremy Sharp working,  Found in Macomb, IL
David Rowlson has his up for grabs, but don't email me about it, check with him at:
I received this from a long time user of the Interact that is worth sharing: JH wrote: 
I recomend that your Interact users use Metal formula tapes to save their programs to. My experience with normal tapes has been somewhat poor. A lot of my original tapes have difficulty loading. I found that TDK AD tapes were good. I started backing up some software and used metal tape which seemed to work better for me. ks JH! 

This is a list of the software I have for the Interact.
  1. Diagnostic tape no tape number
  2. Blackjack #101
  3. Star Track #102
  4. Concentration #103
  5. Video Chess #105
  6. Interact Microchess #106
  7. Backgammon #107
  8. Reversi #108
  9. Add 'EM UP #201
  10. Computer-A-Color #202 This certainly turned out bad, but it looks like this on the TV screen too.
  11. Hangman #203
  12. Knockdown #206
  13. Edu-Basic #207
  14. Music Maestro #208
  15. Regatta #301
  16. Trailblazers #302
  17. Dogfight #303
  18. Showdown #304
  19. Computer Maze #305
  20. breakthrough #306
  21. Volleyball
  22. Biorhythm #401
  23. Message Center #504
  24. Level II Basic #601 Same screen as Edu-Basic, hence the Edu-Basic jpg for this.
  25. Traffic Stopper Demonstration
  26. 8K test tape
  27. 16K test tape
  28. Level II Basic Demonstrations
  29. and many more to come...

 Please stop at  Obsolete Computer Museum!  for much more old stuff.

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