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My Style

Favorite Visual Artists

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Well this is where I get to rant about what tickles my artistic fancy. The Above list of Artists covers a wide range including many different mediums and styles, from techno-modern (geiger), to "Mythic Naturalism", to older classics such as Van Gogh and Monet. My own style has this sort of eclectic feel to it as well. My intrests stem from religion and philosophy, culture and media, environment and mechanism, and even feeling and judgement. It is hard to seperate out the varying dichotomies that I enjoy and to try in any logical sense to paint a picture of what exactly i like would be laborus in the least. My music lists include Marilyn Manson, Stravinsky, and Evanescence, and my artistic love shares a similar pattern.

Though I cannot easily explain what it is that I like exactly I can easily explain what I do not like. And quite frankly overet over-siplification is something i despise. A canvas painted white with a yellow circle depicting "egg" is no form of art to me. It seems more of a test of consumer stupidity and a validation that names sell more than talent. If a four year old could do it then it doesn't make art to me. Now of course there are exceptions (like anything). On occasion a piece of art that is rediculously simple (or worse is just a mess of paint on a board) can contain a valid well thought out picture of something. On those occasions where i am forced to take a second glance and notice thought behind the modernistic mess, then, sometimes, I may enjoy it. More often than not this is not the case and so in general I profess to enjoy more "realisitc" art myself.

Currently my own personal art has shifted towards figure study. This of course is due to my lack of talent in the area. I find the figure to be the most beautiful and puzzling thing an artist can portray and thus am fascinated. I am attempting now to organize photoshoots to work on a project that I am calling "gothic pride and joy". This project hopes to show the "modern goth" scene in a plethra of emotional and artistic states in order to give life to a LIFEstyle that I appreciate and enjoy. I am also hopeing this project may change some images of the gothic style and show the merge of the concept behind goth with a positive activist message as opposed to its current lethargic attitude.

I alos want to show that the gothic look is a realization of the existance of evil. Gothics like me view evil as being a contingent truth conected with the structure of normal society. We also believe that this gothic "darkness" is not for the sake of being evil or dark in ones morality but showing instead the exceptance of the darknesses external existance, as well as seperation from this source of "darkness" by stepping away from the society that creates it.

I hoped this has helped give everyone a better idea of where I'm at.