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A Short History of Warrior Women
The woman leads you to a tavern and motions you to sit beside her. She catches the bartender's eye and orders two drinks. When they arrive, the smudged glasses are filled with a strong, stout ale, and the woman smiles. "This always warms me before a tale-telling." She takes a sip and begins...

Once, in the wilds of Michigan, several young women sat, midst hoards of young men, listening to their boasting and blatantly perverse conversation. Tiring of the young men and their antics, the young women moved aside and began to plot amongst themselves. They sought to devise a militaristic strategy to hunt down and subvert these boys, shaping them into the men that they desired. Thus was formed the Legions…

Greetings. This is General Rajah, speaking. I'm glad to welcome you to the Legion Of Women Against Icky Boys. We began this Legion to rid the world of the despicable, pustulated maggots that dare to call themselves Men. We know them as Icky Boys. Don't get me wrong, there are Men out there, and it is our duty not to destroy, but to reform these Icky Boys into the potential Men they could be. Unfortunately, some wayward souls may be lost to us and in desperate need of release through mercy killings. I expect new recruits to:

1) Seek out those True Icky Boys (TIBs) and terminate them, or assimilate them. We need more NITs (Non-Ickies in Training)

2) Seek out and recruit NIBs (Non-Icky Boys) and RIBs (Reformed Icky Boys) to the NI (Nonicky Infantry)

In order to seek out these would-be Men, a list of recognizable qualities has been devised. If you would like to join the Legions, or have suggestions on how to further define the qualities of NIB's and TIB's, please email the General of the Legion.

Note: the Legions were begun in the spirit of pure fun and humor. Please do not take offense, for none was meant...unless you like to be which case, take all the offense you want. Defense is much cooler, anyway...