The 1213 MP of the 10th Army Air Force in India and Burma (CBI) during World War 2
This webpage will feature images and a history of the 1213th Military Police of the 10th Army Airforce during World War 2.
The 1213 MP served on army airbases in India and Burma. The 10th AAF was an
important part of the CBI campaign, moving troops and equipment with cargo planes over the "hump" and bombing the advancing Japanese as
they approached India through Burma.
- Photo of unit taken in 1943...use roster below to identify men (large file!)
- Unit roster in 1943
- Reunions
- Stateside 1942-43
- The trip over on the USS George Washington
- San Francisco, CA (left unescorted Sep 7, 1943)
- Hobart, Tasmania - arrived Sep 29, 1943
- Bombay, India - Oct 20, 1943 (stayed 2 weeks in a British camp in Doelali)
- Madras, India
- Calcutta, India
- Air bases in India and Burma
- Pandavaswar and Panagarh near Asansol, India Dec 3, 1943-Sep 27,1944, stayed with the 7th Bomb Group (B-24's) and the 1st Air Commandos
- Dinjan, India Sept 1944 (here the 1213th was split and assigned to different bases, closer to the front)
- Ledo, India at the head of the Ledo Road
- Myitkyina, Burma
- Shingbwiyang, Burma
- Dibrugarh and Chabua in Assam, India
- Moran, India
- Warazup-Tinkoksikan, Burma
- Army stuff
- The job of MP
- Guard duty
- The base gates
- The planes
- The ammo/fuel dumps
- The base detention area
- Bomber target practice area
- Plane crash rescue and recovery
- Keeping the runways clear of sacred cows, etc.
- On leave/Rest camp/Off duty
- "Locals"
- Naga headhunters
- Indian Army (Sherpa, Ghurka, Punjab, Sikh...)
- Snake charmers, barbers, errand boys...
- Tigers, snakes, rogue elephants, baboons, wild dogs...
- Living conditions
- Monsoon season
- Malaria, dengue fever, dysentery...
- Meat with fur, warm beer, bedbugs...
- Allies
- British
- Chinese
- Australians
- The return trip
- Links to other related websites
Questions and feedback welcome...tommaas @ hotmail.com
Last updated on June 7, 2000