Flipz n trickz
This is just a list of some different trickz. This is for beginners who just wanna learn the basics. For a more advanced tricks list check out the list at www.combastics.com, its huge.
- Au Batido-a capoeira move where you do half a cartwheel and stop it on the way over and kick.
- 360-a jump spin kick off both feet throwing a wheel or cresent at the end.
- 540-rather than doing your normal tornado kick, you need to swing your leg as hard as you can. tuck your non-kicking leg to force you to land on the kicking leg. swinging your arms and throwing your shoulders into it gets you a lot of the needed momentum.
- 720-first get the 720 spin. after that try to throw a whip, hook, wheel, or cresent kick out at the end. when you do it keep a very tight body and you will get around faster. also jump really hard off both feet.
- 900-be able to jump real high and do the same as a 720. this time throw a round kick on the second rotation.
- 1080-crazy!!!do a 900 and land on the kicking leg or three rotations and a whip, hook, wheel, or cresent kick.
- double leg 540-do your normal 540 but keep the non-kicking leg straight out and try to bring both feet toghether and land on both.
- double leg 540 AKA misty flip AKA rainbow flip AKA side flip-start like you would a 720.jump off both feet and bring them over at the same time. try to bring them directly over head and land on both. swinging your arms into it is the most important part.
- butterfly twist-like the double leg 540 your arms are very important. swing hard!!! dipping your body is also important. so dip!!! its a sideways spin in the air
- hyper twist- do a butterfly twist upsidedown
- laydown 540-a 540 with your body parallel to the ground
- 720 butterfly twist-just too crazy!!!
- side swipe-a diagonal 540 with your head towards the ground. this and the laydown just take practice and hang time. just throw your body downwards when doing it
- suicide swipe-an upside down 540
- aerial-do a start like you would for a butterfly twist when you first learn it. swinging your leg very hard is important. keep the front leg bent a little to get extra hieght. do a no handed cartwheel.
- back handspring-have a person put their hands behind your back and knees (spot) jump back and push off with your hands.
- back tuck- jump straight up and tuck your knees in and go back wardds and over. use a spotter.
- back layout-backhand spring with no hands.
- front handspring-kick legs over real hard and arch your back.
- front tuck-run take a hard hop and jump straight up and tuck as you go forward. dont jump to far forward. use a spotter.
- side somi- run and hop like you would a 720 or double leg 540. jump swing your arms hard and tuck in. go over sideways in the air then land on two feet.
- flash kick-back layout while spliting your legs apart on the way over.
- aerial twist-an upside down butterfly twist starting like a running aerial
- twisting backflips-these all depend on how hard you twist your shoulder into it. just do a back layout and twist. these are scary to do for the first time. the two beginner ones are the half and full twist. Check out mah boy emmanel brown to see a double twist..
More tricks
- gainer- any back flip done off one leg. the most important part in these is how hard you kick your leg
- charlie kick-a flash kick turning your body at the end
- 720 double-a 360 and then another before landing. get a real high 360 and then try this kick
- 540 split-do a 540 and on the way down don't let your feet land, just split them apart and land in a front split
- back x-out -do a back tuck and when your upsidedown split your legs out to the side. you can also do a flash kick after it to make it an xout flash.
- kim do or upsidedown split kick or double leg 540 split or misty flip split-run and do a double leg 540 off both feet and when at the top of you jump do a split kick, landing is hard.
- 540 gyro or 360 gyro-a 540 or 360 with extra spins before you land.
dont try any of these if you dont have the following, you might get hurt.
- flexibilty- especialy in the back and legs.
- high vertical leap-if you dont have this then get it. you WILL hurt yourself if you dont have ups
- someone to watch, spot, and help you out