More Pics

Hey hey...its me again with more pics to fill another page with...isnt that just great! And of course: the only person that uses these pictures are:,,, and and PuckerLova and givemeakiss44 on AIM. If you get these pictures from anyone else please email me the name they are using...thanks:)

Prom 2001

Well...this was my senior date is next to me, but i cut him out cuz i'm a mean person...anyway, i got kinda pissed off at prom cuz it sucked...but i was runner up for prom queen which was glad my friend won anyway...she wanted to be queen more than anything:)

Prom Again

This is a random shot at prom...this was when i discovered i was nominated to be prom queen (i wasnt suppose to know but i went to the bathroom and saw my whole family there)Kinda ruined that surprise didnt i?! Anyway..yea...Prom..:)

Senior Banquet

This is me at our senior banquet dinner...this is when i found out that i was indeed the 2001 salutatorian:) Oh and by the way...i never went home and studied or did any homework...i did have a life...if i wouldve studied a lil more and did homework at home...i wouldve be valedictorian:)

Graduation Party

This is me cutting my cake at my graduation party...of course, it was freezing and rained on my graduation day so i froze my ass off...and the place where my party was at wouldnt let us put the heat is where you either say : "Awwww...poor lisa" or "Could ya whine a lil more"

End of Grad Party

This is the end of my grad party...i actually found a coat to wear to keep me warm...thanks did love that coat too but i gave it back:)

I didnt put this here for no reason...SIGN IT:)

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This is my other page of pictures...

These are my bikini pics:)

This is the story of my life...Tissues will be needed