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PokéLeague of America (Pokémon/Justice League of America)


Heroes Bios:

The PLA, a group of brave people who transform into creatures with amazing powers. There headquarters is in Celadon City.

Pikaman (Pikachu/Superman)
aka Ash Kent (Ash Ketchum/Clark Kent)

Ash Kent, rocketed to Earth from the planet Krypton, has the power to transform into a yellow creature with Thundershock Vision. He defends the city of Palletropolis.

Zubatman (Zubat/Batman)
aka Bruce Wayne

When young Bruce Wayne was orphaned by the criminal Joke(James/Joker), he came upon a cave filled with Zubats. Gaining their powers, he became Zubatman, defender of Pewtham City!

Wonderfree (Butterfree/Wonder Woman)
aka Misty Prince (Misty/Diana Prince)

Misty Prince, born in Themyrulean City, turned into Wonderpie, then Metawoman, and finally, Wonderfree!

Flashmander (Charmander/Flash)
aka Brock Allen (Brock/Barry Allen)

The super-fast, fire-breathing, protector of Centribar Island, Flashmander gained his powers when he was struck by lightning and drenched in chemicals.

Aquasquirt (Squirtle/Aquaman)
aka Arthur Curry

Born in Atlantis, Aquasquirt is the water-shooting defender of Saffron City!

Bulb Lantern (Bulbasaur/Green Lantern)
aka Hal Jordan

Hal was a test pilot for an airplane company when Abin Saur granted him with a Bulb Lantern ring. He uses his powers to defend Fuschia City!

Martian Machop (Machop/Martian Manhunter)
aka M'achop J'onzz

Teleported to Earth by an aged professor, Martian Machop is the green, muscular, and downright powerful member of the PLA that protects Vermilion City!

Professor Hamiloak (Prof. Oak/Prof. Hamilton)

This professor, who often helps Pikaman out, has joined the PLA as advisor!

Allies bios:

These are the heroes that help out the PLA in some of their adventures.

Atomdude (Geodude/Atom)
aka Ray Palmer

When Ray Palmer discovered a white dwarf star, he used its energies to become the rocky, shrinking, Atomdude, defender of Lavender Town!

Pidgeon (Pidgey/Robin)
aka Dick Grayson

His parents killed by a gangster, Dick Grayson swore revenge. Partnering with Zubatman, he became Pidgeon, the high-flying hero!

Rattarrow (Rattata/Green Arrow)
aka Ollie Queen

Ollie Queen trained himself to be the best archer ever. When he discovered he had the power to become a super-powered rodent, he took a vow to battle crime for his entire life. He is Rattarrow, protector of Viridian City!

Canarypuff (Jigglypuff/Black Canary)
aka Dinah Lance

As soon as she discovered she had the power to transform into a creature who can sing you to sleep or blast through walls with her scream, Dinah Lance has been fighting crime. Becoming the partner of Rattarrow, she called herself Canarypuff! She, too, protects Viridian City.

Villains Bios:

These are the exact opposite of the PLA.

Lex Giovanni (Giovanni/Lex Luthor)

A cruel businessman, he is the leader of the Injustice Rockets (Team Rocket/Injustice League). He accepts no excuses, and is never caught in the act.

Mercian (Persian/Mercy)

Mercian is Lex Giovanni's constant companion and bodyguard. She has the ability to transform into a ferocious cat creature.

Joke (James/Joker)

As Lex's right-hand man, Joke is always eager to please. He has the face of a clown and is a psychotic madman. He is also the field leader for the Injustice Rockets. Enemy of Zubatman.

Jesse Quinn (Jesse/Harley Quinn)

She is the partner of Joke, and is dangerous enough to be able to lead the Injustice Rockets. The only person she takes orders from is Lex Giovanni. Enemy of Zubatman.

Meowthstro (Meowth/Sinestro)

This violet colored cat cannot turn back into human form. However, he wields the most powerful weapon in the universe, a Qwardian ring. Archenemy of Bulb Lantern.

Snake Manta (Arbok/Black Manta)

Able to breathe underwater and also possessing all of the powers of a snake, this member of the Injustice Rockets should be taken extremely seriously. Archenemy of Aquasquirt.

Professor Wheez (Weezing/Prof. Zoom)

Gifted with the ability of super-speed, this criminal from the future constantly has noxious fumes emanating from his body. Archenemy of Flashmander.

Cheetitung (Lickitung/Cheetah)

This cheetahlike creature with an enormous toung is pure evil. Archenemy of Wonderfree.

Garzarro (Gary/Bizarro)

Although he is the grandson of Prof. Hamiloak, he is the opposite of Pikaman. He can transform into a crablike creature. Not a member of the Injustice Rockets.