Stuck Here.

I'm not the person I want to be,
But I'm stuck here in this "me".
Afraid to get out and live my life,
I've been staying & living my Strife.

Scared of changes, and what will come,
If I decide to find myself out.
Find who I am, and what I need,
Leave all those behind dear to me.

Crescent choices, Which are best?
Thinking, spinning, taking this test.
Test of life & who can survive,
I am fighting to stay alive.

Happiness is what I yearn to obtain,
Yet with my confusion, I am stained.
Stained with hurt, tears and scar's,
Deep wounds, abuse, near and far.

Need to vent, but stored to long,
All the things that have been wrong.
But they have always been aware,
And yet I find that they don't care.

-Melissa Foutch-