Part Of Me.

Have you ever felt totally lost at emotion, empty.
Like your watching as if your a ghost unable to do
Anything and lifeless?
Only able to listen.
Stuck as if tied down, yet free to walk?
Unable to cry, but tortured til you have nothing left,
But tears well in your eyes to where
You cant see and the tears are not even there?
Where your heart feels like it is in pieces in every part
of your body and out of it and you cant pull yourself together?
Like you can see only from the outside but can feel
Whatever you have left inside falling apart and yet
You have not lost everything yet,
But it is so far away as if to never reach it.
Yet tou try to stay and reach but only get slapped down.
Feel empty and can actually feel yout soul pushing against
Your linp body trying to flee and be saved but it is
Stuck to rot inside a dying corpse?
Feel yourself draining?
Draining away.
Feel your heart stopping or paysing and feel your
Blood boiling inside of you like a poison?
I doubt you have and this is just a part of me.

-Melissa Foutch- 3/28/2000