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Total Number of Guests 13
Red Wingers
Record 13
Name: Joshua
Website: The Kozlov Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan
Time: 2000-01-01 23:35:49
Comments: Hey cool page. But why do you have Greek letters on it? Maybe it would be cool to add some cyrillic letters too...

Record 12
Name: Twocentz
Website: It's All About, Jamie Lundmark
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: BC, Canada
Time: 1999-12-29 11:38:15
Hi there, You've got a great page, keep up with the awesome work, and please check out mine sometime! :o)

Please check out my page, It's All About, Jamie Lundmark!

Record 11
Name: Sacha
Website: The Eagles Nest
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Canada
Time: 1999-12-16 14:33:27
Comments: Congradulations on your first award! We really enjoy and appreciate your site, you have done a fabulous job! Keep up the fantastic work and enjoy your pasta!

Record 10
Name: Steve Michalsky
Website: East Central Michigan Co-Op Shopping Network
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Bay City, Michigan
Time: 1999-12-13 18:58:51
Comments: Love your site. Please visit mine. I have a Michigan Sports section on my Michigan page and I also have a sports section in my mall. You might be interested in my contest or my free co-op shopping club where you can get rebates on everything you purchase from my mall.

Record 9
Name: Frank Porter
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-12-12 21:33:13
Comments: Private Message (click to view)

Record 8
Name: Sergei
Referred by: AOL
From: Russia/Kentucky
Time: 1999-12-10 03:21:33
Comments: Hi,my name is Sergei I live in KY. I`m a huge red Wings fan. This is the best Wings page I`ve ever seen!! I just want to thank you I had a fantastic time going through it. Its simply great!

Record 7
Name: Jon Kanaida Gulyas
Website: Wanna Be Fedorov
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Columbus, Ohio
Time: 1999-11-29 02:36:32
Comments: Hey yo! Thanks for checkin' out my place. And your page is quite nice! Has lots of pics I don't have. My collection is up to 58, and I sorta stopped there. But your page is real nice. Props to ya!

Jon K.

Record 6
Name: Jeni
Website: Sergei Fedorov Line
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hockeytown
Time: 1999-11-27 19:30:15
Comments: Great page. Keep up the good work. Gotta love those Wings!!!!!!

Record 5
Name: Lauren
Website: Slushville Hockey
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dallas
Time: 1999-11-27 00:03:15
Comments: Nice page! Naturally I don't like the Red Wings, since I live in Dallas, but I love the Russian 5 and all Russian players in general! Keep up the good work! -Lauren-

Record 4
Name: Patty Higgins
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Seattle, WA
Time: 1999-11-23 16:44:41
Comments: Hey girl, long time! Love the site and you are right its HOCKEY THE COOLEST GAME ON EARTH! LOVE the picture of Pasha. He defected from the Canucks but what the heck. He is still one of my favs after Jaromir the skating god of the world. Glad to see you back and that yourwebsite has been updated. Patty

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Red Wingers
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