Earth Spirit at Ferris State University
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"Here, I will crumble into dust 
and become, once more, 
this land that knows me."

-"This Land"

 by Gillian


       Welcome to the WWW home of

Earth Spirit  

       at Ferris State University


Welcome. We are happy that you've taken the time to visit us. The links at the bottom give answers to a number of commonly asked questions. Regular meetings are open to the public and take place every Thursday night at 8pm in the FLITE library. This semester we will be meeting in room 214 every night. Most meeting will at least start in room 214 (ie, rituals and out of room events) but if something is listed as location TBA, then you will need to contact us for details. If you have questions regarding our organization, our meetings, or paganism in general, feel free to contact us through email or by phone. 231-527-1507. Email: Jen.

Schedule for 2002.   

Apr 18th. Presentation from Lester

Apr 25th. Pre Beltaine discussion

May 2nd. Beltaine.

            What is Earth Spirit?

            Our constitution

            Why is it here?

            Who should visit Earth Spirit?

            What is Thought of the week?

            Other cool links

Blessed be, and thank you for dropping by.

Anyone with comments or questions about this site is encouraged to
email its upkeeper