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Free For All

This is the official Free For All web-site. We are a Christian hard rock band
from Hamilton, Michigan, where there are more cows than people! Don't
front on the West-side hill-billies!!! For booking e-mail us. And tell your youth
pastors about us! We would love to come play for y'all!
Look below for some info about why this page hasn't been updated, and why it hopefully will be soon!
We had a concert on February 18th, thanks to all of you who came and
supported us. Everybody had a lot of fun and we were glad so many
people could make it considering how bad the weather was.
Right now we don't have any concerts scheduled, but as soon as we
have any info, it'll be here. If you would like to see us and just can't wait until
our next concert, please e-mail us and maybe you can come to one of our practices.
We now have an updated and faster-loading picture page, plus a couple pictures
from our December 4 concert, and once we get the pictures from the 18th
developed, those will be there too, so take a look...and make
sure to sign the guestbook!
Alright, we apologize to anybody that has come to this page wondering what has happened to Free For All. We're all still alive, we just haven't done much over the summer, and many of the members have had other time-consuming commitments. We're hoping to 'get back together' this fall and work on our old songs and hopefully some new songs. Then we'll see about a concert sometime in the future. And I (John) am going to try to update this page a bit more, now that some of my technical difficulties seem to be solved. So, ta-ta for now and hope to see ya'll soon!

The band is:
Andrew Harrington-lead guitar, lead vocals
Nick Slager-bass, BGV's, in his BVD's
John Havenga-rhythm guitar, BGV's, weirdness
Dirk Immink-drums (Dirk can't sing!!!)
Phil Nyhof-key boards, sound fx
Chris Brown and Brian Lampen-sound board, lights 
Free For All Pics

Sign the guest book

Guestbook by GuestWorld
Take a look at the other names

Johnny On The Spot A 6 piece hip-hop punk rock band from Holland

Website last updated: August 20, 2000
