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1001 Free Book Reports And Study Aides
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          This is the ultimate slackers home page. Hi my name is Tommy, I'm a student just like many of you. Through out my years I've uncovered certain ways of getting around homework. This is not necessarily because I'm lazy but is instead is due to my hatred of the repetitive waste of time that is known to most as school. My site is basically a collection of the best school related links and content the Internet has to offer. Everything, from a free translation service, which translates the things you type into one of about eight different languages, to calculus formulas and free online cliff notes, is put into your reach. I highly suggest you bookmark or write down the address to this site now because its a long address which is very difficult to remember.

          My view of what a students role in school should be is a little different then the view of most. I think that just because you didn't necessarily read the book doesn't mean you shouldn't get an A on the book report or even the test. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to encourage anyone out there to cheat. But instead use book notes or other people papers as a reference to writing your own. I have found in my own experience that reading other people's papers can help to not only inspire ideas but can also give you a basic summary and feel for a book.

          Over the years of operating my site I've realized that no matter how much I tell people not to and discourage cheating there is always going to be a few students who will not resist temptation and will attempt to take the path of sin and dishonesty. To those students, in which I loathe a condemn, I encourage to at least make sure you cheat right. Never copy a paper word for word. Change it around a little, a teacher could very easily have the same paper as you. I'd also like to say to use this site at you own risk. I will take no responsibility for any of the stupid things anyone does that get them into trouble. If you get caught it's your own fault and I refuse to accept responsibility for anyone other then myself. This site can be a students best friend or worst enemy depending on how responsibly it is used so please use caution.

          I'd also like to encourage everyone out there to visit my sponsors and keep this site free. Not that I could ever get away with charging money to come to this site, but I would appreciate a little monetary reward in compensation for the noble act of looking out for my fellow students. If you know of any great sites for making school life easier or you have any comments or suggestions on my site, e-mail me at .

©1999-2001 1001 Free Book Reports and Study Aides Inc.

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