Quote Unquote

Okay I finally got the quote section up. After about 2 months hehe. Well um, yeah. Let me shut up so you can read some of the interesting things JC jas said. And if you happen to see something like (this) that means thats a comment I made on that. End don't take them seriously, I'm just goofing off. I'm in high school. Duh! Anything anyone says can be taken in THAT way. Damned hormones. Enjoy!

1. "There's a fine line between confidence and conceit. Nobody should ever cross it."

2. "I always like to catch up on the movies I've missed. That's like one of my favorite things in the world to do, see movies."

3. "You're going to get sexified." (fine with me, whatever you say JC)

4. "Life is a test, to see if we can handle the pressure." (Don't I know it? Hehe)

5. "Something beach-oriented would be nice." (finally a guy who agrees with me on the beach)

6. "That was an onion. ONION!" (hehe what a goob. I love gooby men)

7. "And...They are SO not good at this game!

8. "Just get loose y'all! Have fun." (loose?!?!?! I'm thinking somethin' naughty, but whatever you say man)

9. "Give it to me! Come on!" (um...hehehe...I don't need to say a thing here, except...hell yeah)

10. "We've had practice." (hehe...I bet)

11. "I'm a little girl!" (JC...STOP...you are NOT a freakin' transvestite)

12. "Usually the best way to get something off your chest, is to talk about it, you know."

13. "M-I-C, See you real soon. K-E-Y, Why? Because we got paid to. M-O-U-S-E!" (hehe...smart ass)

14. "The thing I hate about my appearance is Joey's feet!" (JC...didn't I tell you to stop eating cat food)

15. "Will you hold my hand? See this is how they do it in high school!" (*squeals* Okay *faints*)

16. "Yes, you do!" (No, I don't. hehehe...)

17. "Lance scores from downtown!" (hehe...big pimpin')

18. "How funny is that? All that time spent potty-training. The minute he gets on television he froze up and let it go." (are you making fun of Joey, AGAIN? lol)

19. "It's a cool award cause, you know, it's our generation speaking out."

20. "Make it a summer vacation everyday, baby!" (Can I get an Amen?!?!?!)

21. "Well, It's basically the safest way you can do anything". (Yes he IS talking about 'Digital Getdown'-thanks JC, I was wondering if my guess about the song being about cyber sex was right.)

22. "Everyone thinks I like to sleep. It's not that I like to sleep, it's that I don't like to get up! There is a difference."

23. "You forgot my sexy good looks!" (Well gee...hello Mr. Modesty)

24. "For the girl who eats everything I bring you fudge cookies and stuff." (Oh shush...you're making me hungry)

25. "The Spice Girls wanted us to be in their movie but we had to turn 'em down." (Ooh then the critics really WOULD have a reason to call you the Spice Boys. And we would NOT want that.)

26. "We're hormonal, but we're morally grounded." (THANK GOD!!!)

27. "I love those little things of ketchup." (KINKY)

28. "Plug it in Plug it in." (Yeah...hormonal but morally grounded my @s$!!!)

29. "1, and 2 and grab and 1, and 2 and grab." (WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?)

30. "We're sure you hear this all the time but you have such a sexy voice." (Um woah JC I had no idea. And actually I've never heard that. I've heard 'hey you sound like a 40 year old' though.)

31. "Hey man! I-yes, because, that is my... I have to save. Because, yes." (How many times do I have to tell you not to talk with your mouth full)

32. "I'm not crazy." (ARE YOU TRYIN' TO START SOMETHING WITH ME?!?!?!)

33. "Don't have a 'tude, dude!" (Alright Wipeout, quit mouthin' off to me....don't make me get funky on yo fine ass fanny)

34. "And that's all I have to say about that." (You bet it is)

35. "Who's yo daddy." (Not you. Or you woulda had me when you were 8. Is that even possible?!?!?!)

36. "Wait! I've got a little problem." (Maybe I could help you out *wink wink, nudge nudge*)

37. "I broke it. Doh!" (You break it, you buy it...unless its a body part you are born with, and if you are a guy...hehe don't make me go there)

38. "Oh, ceramics. Gee that's REAL important. I mean, you never know when you're gonna be stranded on an island and, you know, have to make your own PLATES!" (HAHAHA roflmao I love his sarcasm in that MMC episode. Ahhhh funny funny funny)

39. "I'd rather be the dumpee than the dumper, 'cause I can't stand to break anyone's heart." (Awwwww! I think I'm gonna cry. That's so sweet)

40. "You're grounded!" (Um, JC baby, you aint my parents. And even they don't ground me, cuz I am damn near close to turning 18. Woohoo).

41. "I love a nice pair of kissable lips!" (Hehe, the last couple of guys I sucked face with [don't ya luv my bluntness] said I had nice lips *wink*)

42. "There's something about my head going underneath my butt that's just not natural." (Umm...sometimes I wonder about you. I think now is about that time when I run away screaming 'heeeeeeeelp meeeeeeeee')

43. "Ya know sometimes you just don't want to know." (Yeppers)

44. "I can sleep on the floor, standing up.. I've even fallen asleep in the shower." (Well, if you can sleep anywhere...I sure hope that dosen't include during sex!!!)

45. "WOW! My groin hurts!" (Hehehe....I'll make it better. SHUT UP MARLANA STUPID DUMB ASS HORMONES!!!!)

46. "Ooo ooo Ooo ooo...I gotta put my shoes back on! Ow! Ouch! Ow! Hot floor!" (Hehehehehehe GOOB)

47. "People who don't take us seriously at this point just aren't going to. I'm not writing and performing to please them, but the people who actually enjoy our music."

48. "You can't be sexy forever-unless you're Sean Connery." (Um, sorry Sean Connery is not sexy. I mean he probably has a shrivled up di..nevermind)

49. "My first kiss was when I was six. I was playing soccer with some friends near some girls. The girls thought it was funny to chase me around and hold me down. They all kissed me. I was saying 'Yucky-stop-don't!' and I was pretending that I didn't like it. But really I did." (OMG That is so funny. I used to do that in elementary school. There was this kid named Scott that I had this big crush on, and I spent all recess chasing him, and I knocked him down and kissed him about 30 times hehehe...memories...)

50. "That was funny...now get out!" (hahaha fiesty :-P)

51. "I love what I do...and if I had to do it broke, I'd do it broke." (Ya wouldn't be broke around me, i'd pay just to hear you breathe [okay thats an exageration there]. Not really. I'd pay to hear ya sing tho...oh wait I already do..."

52. "When I'm in the studio, I'm jumping the whole time. I jump off of stuff, over chairs, and over pianos, the whole time." (Babe, we'd make a great pair then)

53. "Joey, you suck!" (No he blows, the question is..who....)

54. "You are ALL mean and violent people!! ALL of you!! It's my birthday, dude..." (Tehehe...it's so easy to make fun of him, no matter how talented, and sexy, and cool he is/seems)

55. "I dreamt that I was a fan of Nsync and I was so obsessed that my room had wall to wall, pictures of Justin and I went to the concert and met myself. It was freaky. I felt for the fans..man!" (Now do you understand that shit we go through for you guys?)

56. "I was walking down the termial goin' 'Why-yi-yi-yippie-yi-yay-yippie-yi-yo-yippie-yi-yay'.. and the people were going' What on EARTH is up with that guy?" (Um if I'd seen ya, I would've asked for an autograph, and then I'd ask what the hell you're doin)

57. "I'm gonna twist your body into a coat hanger!" (Funny...I always thought guys had other uses for us *hint hint*. That would hurt yo!)

58. "I broke your glasses and blamed your brother." (HA! You LIAR! I don't have a brother..and I'M the one who scratched my glasses that I haven't worn in a freakin' YEAR)

59. "Man, we've all been caught kissing - my mom caught me and threw a fit! She was like, "There's a rule in this house, if you're in there with a girl you leave the door open!" (Hehehe...the embarrasement of that would be nothing compared to the ecstasy of making out with a certain hot guy...)

60. "I'm about to get groped, that's all I gotta say." (hahaha...oh yes you are *wink*)

61. "We don't throw TVs out of windows, that's stupid. I'd steal a TV before I threw it out a window." (And stealing is even stupider...)

62. "We judge a book by it's cover too much and so often we are wrong." (Spoken like a true genius)

63. "Wow, that was really educational.. and it sucked." (Hey watch the language Bub!)

64. "Did I scare you, honey?" (*faints, then gets up* Oops that was so teenybopper of me)

65. "You don't go into the music business going, 'Oh, I can't wait to get SUED!" (Dosen't sarcasm look good on a man)

66. "I'm a TV alcoholic!" (And that dosen't make sense. It's tv-aholic. Sheesh!)

67. "I'm a goofy white boy..... You forgot my sexy good looks!" (*faints* Oops I did it again-shit now I got that song stuck in my head)

68. "Ozzy Osborne on an *N Sync bus. How weird is that?" (hey dude Ozzy is crazy hilarious)

69. "He usually loses his mind when he gets tired or drinks a lot of caffeine. JC's real quiet most of the time, but then he'll just suddenly go crazy and we're like, shut up!-Justin on JC (Hehehe sounds alot like me-then again my mind is ALWAYS lost)

70. "Learn me." (Uhhhhh)

71. "JC dances in front of the mirror quite a lot and makes all these crazy faces at himself!"-Chris on JC (Wow! Mr. Serious does THAT. Hmmm! Imagine that-oh wait thats kinda...weird)

72. "I wanna be the chair man, I'm talkin' to you, girl! Make me the chair man!"-JC on Janet Jackson (Dude that reminds me. Has anyone reading this ever given a chair dance to a gay guy. lol I did at my friend Colleen's open house back in June of 2001-it was interesting)

73. "We threw a party in the van with our stuffed animals." (Hey, my 8 year old, 6 year old, 5 year old, 4 year old, and 3 year old cousins do that too)

74. "Ya gotta take ya spankin's..." (Ummmm...that dude makes me nervous)

75. "It's French. My dad's families are from Louisiana. It's that whole Creole thing." --JC on his last name (Duuuuuuuude! I'm French too. Although my dad's families came from Montreal, Quebec, Canada after they moved from France. And my mom's dad's family came from France. Some city near Marseilles, can't remember the exact name).

76. "I'm diggin' in on all of 'em, dude, ya know!" (And what would you be diggin' in on exactly?)

77. "We all play around and hug each other." (Awww I want a hug! Can I have a hug?)

78. "We date. We're human beings." (EACH OTHER?!?!?- hey you're the one who said it!)

79. "I'd want to be a woman." (HAHAHA..no you wouldn't)

80. "I'm gonna KILL you!" (Why the hostility?)

81. "The funny thing about JC is.....well, say we're driving somewhere and we see a pretty girl on the sidewalk, the four of us will go, "Hey check out that girl".....and five minutes later JC will go, "Wow check out that dog. What kind is it?" He's nuts about dogs."-Chris on JC

82. "I hear these work in every door in Orlando, So if you hear someone raiding your fridge at 3 o’clock in the morning, it may be me." (Haha I'm moving to Los Angeles to try and become an actress, ever need a fridge to raid you're welcome to mine)

83. "Sleeping with large quantities of stuffed animals relieves stress caused by annoying roommates, and make good pillows." (Yepperdoodlebobs! I sleep with 2. They keep the nightmares away..and I'm SERIOUS too)

84. "I'm one of those freaks who believes that maybe someday when I meet 'the one' I'll know she's the one." (Tehe-I am not so sure. If that's the case how come everytime someone gets in a relationship they say the same thing and then break up later)

85. "You don't have to talk about how good you are - let your actions do the talking." (You are a damn GENIUS!!!)

86. "When people are fake, dude, that's the worst." (You can say that again...)

87. "I wouldn't go on TV grabbing this, that or the other and have my parents looking at that. That's just the way I was raised." (But, you are perfectly willing to lick the stage, and do all those yay-girls-are-gonna-need-hormone-suppresants-when-they-see-this hip-thrusts? Alriiiiighty then!

88. "Spending big bucks is not the way to impress a girl." (Nope nope nope. A woman would be more impressed that you put it in your savings account-or invest in your retirement- GOD FORBID YOU EVER DO THAT lol)

89. "Confidence is definitely an appealing quality. I like girls who say what they mean and voice their opinions. But the most important quality for me these days is probably patience. A girl would have to be pretty patient to put up with my work schedule." (like I said...GENIUS)

90. "Me, a rebuff, never! I use a trick; I only talk to girls who like me too." (That would probably be a smart thing to do)

91. "Don't be afraid to ask for help" (You sound like my parents and teachers now lol)

92. "Sometime when I look in the mirror naked, I get so freaked out that I do a little dance! Ha ha ha!" (OMFG ROFLMAO...)

93. "Where is thumbkin? Where is thumbkin? Here I am! Here I am!" (You are starting to scare me yo!)

94. "You feel happiest when your mind, body, and spirit all work together". (So true!)

95. "We're best friends. That's something that no matter what anyone says about us, they can't take away from us. It's a chemistry we have - a bond. It's a genuine thing, and I think that's why people enjoy being around us."

96. "Hey man, I love pajamas!" (Not me. They roll up under my back at night. So I wear cute little girly boxers-or undies and my bra...lol...yeah...tmi)

97. (On what his tombstone would say) "He could sing, but he sure couldn't dance" (haha...I beg to defer. He can do BOTH)

98. "Absolutely! See? Watch, this is what I can do because he's my brother. (Hits Joey). I can do that! Ain't that cool? Hahahaha!" (lol...yeah hit him now, but later you better run...)

99. "I would be Joey's psychiatrist when he came to saw me. Came to saw me. THAT was good. I wouldn't be an English teacher." (HAHA! No you wouldn't.)

100. "EWW! That's cheesy." (*shakes head* Aye!)

101. "You know what? I've had about enough of you. I think it's time for you to GET OUTTA MY WAGON!" (ALRIGHT THATS IT BUSTER!!!!)

102. "I don't even know enough Spanish to order a taco at a Mexican restaurant!" (HEHE! I know enough of it to ask to go to the bathroom. Oh and by the way...Yo amo JC [as much as a fan possibly can since I dont know him personally anyway]"

103. "No-No,I don't wanna go againnnnnn!" (Oh dont tell me you're afraid of roller coasters too. Sheesh!)

104. "I don't care what Eminem says about us, he's a great artist." (I totally agree with you. AND he's from Michigan like me. Woohoo!)

105. "This is why we're all in therapy."

106. "I don't see why people think I'm cute. I think I'm ugly. C'mon people look at me" (I am looking at you Dude. And you're hot!)

107. "We don't really have time for fantasies..." (Are you kidding me? Everyone has time for those, even when they're busy.)

108. "Little bird, little bird... Don't touch my food!" (Hehe...would you run away screaming if the bird talked back to you? [don't ask])

109. "In Germany, we threw fruit off of the balcony. We like to see it explode. Did we clean it up? Of course not!" (Well you say you have no time for fantasies, but of course you have time to be immature, right? Riiiiiight! Hehe.)

110. "Because I CAN!!" (hrmmm...right)

111. "I know I told you I be true...cuz Lance got a big old butt, so I'm eatin' you!" (I dont think so...)
