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History of the James-Younger Gang

The James-Younger Gang was and is the most famous (or infamous) outlaw gang that ever roamed. No other gang in history, not the Dalton Gang, the Doolin Gang, the Clanton Gang, the Burrow Gang, or any other gang has ever been able to surpass the James-Younger Gang in fame. The members of the James-Younger Gang were robbers of banks, trains, and stagecoaches. They were former Confederate guerrillas. They were cold-blooded killers. However, they also managed to become heros, or Robin Hoods, to many, many people. Even today, the gang holds an allure to countless people. This site is going to be under constant construction. Be sure to come back often!

The above photos are of, top row, left to right: Jesse James, Cole Younger, and John Younger. The bottom row of photos are of: Frank James, Clell Miller, and Bob Younger. These men were primarily the "core" gang members.

This Bad Hombres site is owned by Nick McCarty.


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Chronology of James-Younger Gang History, Page 1
Chronology of James-Younger Gang History, Page 2
Chronology of James-Younger Gang History, Page 3
Robbery Victims of the James-Younger Gang
Members of the James-Younger Gang
Members of the James Gang
The Roscoe Gunfight: The Youngers vs. The Pinkertons
The Great Northfield Raid
The Retreat and the Battle of Hanska Slough
Photo Gallery
Jesse James and Billy the Kid
