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Extra Items I Have for Sale


Shown below are pictures of extra items that I am willing to sell. The prices shown are firm unless someone wants to pay more. Shipping and handling are extra. All items sold as is. Click here to send me an e-mail regarding interest in any or all of these items. Thank you.


This is an optional hood ornament that was available for at least the 1958 and 1959 models and I have been told it was also available for later years. This piece is hard to find anymore. Price is $350.00 + shipping and handling.

This is an optional hood ornament that was available from 1955 2nd thru 1957 models. These are becoming harder and harder to find. Price is $325.00 + shipping and handling.

This is the emblem that goes on the front of the hood. It is in excellent shape but hard to see since it is painted black. Can be stripped and painted any color or chromed. I don't know what this is worth so make me an offer.

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