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Krazy Kat and Vazzy Vic's Happy Homepage!

Why we made this page:


Check out our horoscopes page here!

Say hello to our pet rock, Snuggles! and our bird, Melody!

Hey, it seems like we just started this, and gotten better and better. You can e-male us, (our mailboxes are below.) You can send us stories or poems or jokes and we will put them on our page. We love feedback too, so e-mail us soon! Oh, yeah, and we'dd like to thank Catty Col and Kool Kris for their help!

Last updated April 27, 2001!

Welcome to the coolest place on the internet, (yeah right)! Share, explore, or just come back to see the penguin. Give the penguin respect, the 'guin gets mad if you don't call her Bubbles. She is our mascot. While your here, visit our main areas of study: poems, quizzes, funnies, etc. etc. etc. Check out what's new! Your November horoscopes and a page dedicated to your-yes your-pets! Yeah! Oh, well drop Kat a line at or drop Vic a line at! Oh, and SIGN the guestbook!

Meet Mr. Push Me!

Sign our new guestbook, an idiot ruined our old one.