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Friday February 23- Hello people- Last weekend we played the Plethorazine showcase at fitz houston. It was great. Everyone rocked. New bands to check out- Magnetic IV (garage/surf/punk) and Marzi (heavy/heavy/heavy). (Check Plethorazine Records Link below for more info. We found out recently that the Blue Meanies broke up. Superlame! Not only that but the grapevine sez that 30footfall may soon come to an end this summer. We'll see what happens. Watch for Middlefinger side projects (Floored, Solaris) which should be popping up this summer. Anyway we plan to rock out at SXSW Austin on the Plethorazine stage March 17. See ya there! ----Saturday November 11, 2000 - Hello All! Last weekend we spent sometime with the Blue Meanies from Chicago. We Played Friday night at Fitzgeralds with them, Weston, and everyones favorite band The Impossibles. T'was a great show I tell you. Then came Sunday at the Flamingo cantina with basically the same lineup sans The Impossibles with a surprise performace from Bitchy (a meanies side project). Billy Spunke of the Meanies played "dress up barbie" with the audience and agreed to wear anything the crowd could "muster." By the end of the night he had on the following: a backpack, an umbrella, somesort of shiny black polymer jacket with a bra on the outside, lipstick, teabag panties and a golf hat. It was interesting to say the least. Also during the set The Meanies let loose with a wicked cover of Ace of Spades which i had never heard them play. It was killer. Be on the lookout for more Middlefinger shows possibly in december in Austin. Sunday October 1, 2000 - Hello everyone...You may already know that our friend Bill Grady of the Suspects has taken over as webmaster of Middlefinger Headquarters. Jason, our former webman has been consumed with his duties in Middlefinger, 30footFALL, The Suspects, a full load of classes at the University of Houston and working to pay the rent, so he passed the responsibility over to Bildo. Be sure and check out all the new bells and whistles at Middlefinger has been very busy lately. We've had shows in Houston, Austin, and Corpus Christi with great bands like Simpleton, The Cruel and Unusual, Bickley, 30footFALL, and a shitload of killer Corpus Christi punk bands. We're doing a LIVE RECORDING this saturday October 7th at Fitzgeralds Houston so tell your friends and prepare for a night of Decadence and Debauchery! The Live CD should come out in December if everything goes according to plan. A perfect Christmas gift for mom!****** Wednesday June 21st- Hey folks! Thanks to all the freaks who showed up at our CD release shows in Austin and in Houston. And a very special thanks out to Robin Berwick and Jennifer Gunion for helping us get and keep our shit together, we couldn't have done it without you. Both shows were a total blast. As you probably know already , the new shit is out, so get yer copy and enjoy! Matt will be on vacation in Washington DC, New York, and Canada during all of July so our next show won't be until July 29 in Austin with Billygoat. During that time we hope to be getting a Cover Ep together. So anyway, thanks again for coming to the shows.. Middlefinger loves you! SUNDAY MAY 21st - Hello Everyone! We have sent the new CD off to press and it is due in stores on June 15th! Check the shows page for CD Release Appearances. This Saturday we will open for Against All Authority in Austin at Emo's. This should be a great show wo don't miss it! Those of you on our email list will be receiving more info this week. Ciao! SATURDAY MAY 6 - Well well well... sorry about not updating sooner.. no excuses.. i'm just a lazy bastard. Anyway, we FINALLY are looking at the light at the end of the tunnel. The artwork for the new record is finished and I'm supposed to go pick it up today (if the gods are willing) so we should be able to get it off to press by monday. Uncle Charlie has lent us his artistic talents once again and we are very pleased with the results. Look for Digitus Impudicus in stores soon! MONDAY MARCH 20 - Hello people... The new record is totally finished, we're just waiting on the artwork! As soon as a decision is made which should be tomorrow, we'll ship that shit off to get duplicated and wa-la, new discs for everyone! We also have new Digitus Impudicus T-shirts and other goodies. See for more info! SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5 - Hey we finally got our new record mixed! woo hoo! It is scheduled to be mastered on feb 8th. Scheduled release date is April 1. And that's OFFICIAL! Tonight we have the priviledge of sharing the stage with "The Oilers" and "Groceries" two of Houston's finest outfits. We'll be at Rudyard's so be sure to try and make it out for a night of fine brew and other unmentionable things! SUNDAY JANUARY 2 - Welp, Middlefinger, despite Matt's fever and sickness, decided to play the Flamingo Cantina in Austin on Thursday Dec 30. It was a great Show! Both the Duncans and Missing Digits put on great performances. Thanks to all of you who came out! And kudos to Alex the door man who barely beat me in Chess!(good luck in your new punk band bro) -----later-----WEDNESDAY DEC 29 - Sorry folks.. Matt's got the sickness so we had to bail on the Fitzgerald's Houston show. We hope it didn't cause you any probs. Hopefully he'll be better tomorrow so we can rock out in Austin... Get better Matt!!!!! -ciao-----------MONDAY DECEMBER 27 - Well X-mas is over and the new millenium awaits... We hope that Santa brought you all some good shiot (all he brought me was a box of black sox!). Anyway, Middlefinger had a great time rocking out at Emo's Austin with Missile/40 Second Skandals/Command and Filibuster (skunk records). We introduced a new ghetto shirt, drank alot of beer, and gave away alot of stickers. Thanks to everyone who came out to the show! Also thanks to High Risk Records, Tess,and Wesley the film student for your continued support! DON'T FORGET: WEDNESDAY DEC. 29 Middlefinger will visit Fitzgeralds Houston. All Houstonians Must attend! AND, the following day we will trek to Austin to throw down at the Flamingo Cantina on 6th Street (Thurs. Dec 30). Hope to see you all there and HAPPY NEW YEAR! -----SUNDAY DECEMBER 12 - Well we've just about finished laying tracks for "Digitus Impudicus." We will put down the final touches January 15, and will begin mixing that day as well. Dec 4th in the studio went well. Matt finished up vox and there was a guest appearance by Nick Cooper of the Free Radicals who helped out with a little percussion. It won't be long before we all have a copy of the new record to love and caress. This past friday night, we rocked out in Bryan at the "Monkey Bar on Main." But let it be known that they are some stingy ass bastards who gave us absolutely no discount whatsoever on refreshments. Bah Humbug I tell you! We were forced to consume our store bought tallboys hidden deep in the shadows. Thanks to the Suspects for hooking up the show. Their new shit sounds great and Jason Davis is "butter" on the bass. Austinites Beware! Middlefinger troops will invade your city this saturday at Emo's on 6th street. Grab your children by the collar and run!!!!! -------SUNDAY NOVEMBER 30 - Forgive me for not updating this sooner, no excuses, I'm just a lazy bastard. Anyhoo, since the last news entry Middlefinger has visited the Mausoleum, the Centre Theater in Corpus, and Fitz Downstairs. At the Mausoleum, we played with a band from Orange, Texas, whose name escapes me but they sounded good. 23 was also there and in fine form. In Corpus, we played a cool old theater downtown with Whoa Sam, the Disruptives, and Simpleton. Evidently at this theater, a young usher girl was killed with a knife by her jealous boyfriend. On the second floor there's a big ass red stain on the carpet where she was supposedly hacked up. Pretty cool huh? After the show, Robin suggested spending the night there so we could see if it was really haunted but the beer guy locked up the keg so we said fuck that. (Thank you Gene Brown for hookin a brother up with a place to crash!) Back in Houston, we played Fitz downstairs for the first time. Simpleton kicked ass. As far as for now, we are to hit the studio Saturday December 4, for a final recording session and are going in to mix in Mid December. The NEW RECORD should be out early 2000. See ya! ------SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 25 - Welp Thursday we met up with I-45 and Excess Lettuce in Austin at the Flamingo Cantina on 6th street. Crazy Tony (who now sports a black cowboy hat-is he still one of the good guys? Who knows)told us all tall tales of his new California life and of I-45's stay at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Thanks to all who came! Some of those in attendance were Dan Cummings, Laney, Scott from Corpus, Becky, John Daniels of High Risk Records, Wesley the film student, and tons of others. Other than loud music and dollar Lone Star tall boys there's really not much more to discuss--wait, i forgot Dave our guitarist, after 10 years of smoking like a chimney has now laid down the cigarettes. Congrats Dave and good luck!----- MONDAY AUGUST 16 - Well we had a most excellent adventure down in CORPUS CHRISTI this Saturday. We played this place called The Zone which is a run-down warehouse with an urban paintball field attached. Strange I tell you, strange. Anyway it was insanely hot and due to a problem on the homefront, Bickley was unable to make it. Despite this, the show was great with Criminal Case opening up (kudos to Omar and Matt the pink haired freak). Next to Nothing also played a great set despite their one of their members getting sick. They covered Poison's "Every Rose has it's Thorn" which was cool. Special thanks to Charlie Price (drummer) for letting us destroy your hotel room afterwards. After the show Dave and I were trying to leave but were stopped by the on site cop who informed us that we were driving with a can of beer on our bumper. Luckily he was cool about it. Later on we all met up at Next to Nothing's hotel room where we consumed about $100 worth of assorted beers along with RelSKA screwdrivers and strawberry wine (icck!) Yes 'twas a good time indeed. FRIDAY AUGUST 6 - hmmmmmm....not much news as of late. Middlefinger played Rudyard's last night with "Excess Lettuce." They were a cool punkish sounding trio from austin. They rocked! ( Thanks to all of you who attended! We saw Julie, the mastermind behind "Zonnieland", Jeff Nunnaly of Sprawl (who is currently just formed a new band called "The Oilers" with former members of the Keenlies and de Schmog- look out for 'em!), Joey Salinas also of Sprawl, Rugrash, and Pills, Doug Robertson of PBS channel 8, Texas Guiness Lovers, Infernal Bridegroom Productions, amongst countless other friends and freaks. Thanks to all of you! In other news we are very much looking forward to a road trip down to Corpus Christi with our friends Bickley, Next to Nothing, and Criminal Case for a show that should prove to be rather slamatocious. We'll be playing at "The Zone" Saturday August 14. So if you'll be in the area or are down for a road trip to the lovely beaches of south tx, come to the show! That's it for now check back soon for more news...

Plethorazine Records