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Michiana Roots

Michiana Roots is dedicated to those persons who feel, like myself, that as we rush towards the future, we cannot forget our past. After the horrific events of September 11, 2001, this is more poignant than ever.

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Site started on Dec. 6, 1999. Last update on April 12, 2002.

Note to my readers (Feb. 23, 2002): Due to a recent change in my work situation I have not been able to update my website as often as I'd like. I hope to have this situation taken care of soon. Thanks for your support!

My name is Timothy C. Wyman and in my endeavors to uncover the history of my family, I've come across many interesting articles, stories, and other items of genealogical and historical value.

As I've gotten much help and advice from others, I'd oftened wondered how I myself can give something back. After much consideration, I came up with the idea of a website devoted to genealogical and historical records that are relatively easy to find for someone living in an area, yet difficult for persons living far away.

My plan is to keep this website simple and informational. You will not find the fancy graphics and applications typical of many websites. What you will find however, is much historical, genealogical, and reference information dedicated to the area of southern Michigan and northern Indiana often called "Michiana".

This is simply information that I've come across in my roamings throughout the area which I feel could be of use to other researchers also. It is an ongoing effort, and I have many ideas for the future, so if you like what you see please come back often.

Recently (Nov. 2001) I have been adding entries, in maroon font, from Johnson's New Universal Cyclopaedia, published in 1876 by A.J. Johnson & Co., New York. This set was a gift to my great-great uncle, George Irving Hathaway, in remembrance of his uncle Luther.

Here is a link to my cousin Be's website. She is working on information from southeastern Michigan, in the Washtenaw County area.

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Index by State, County and Township

I have organized this index by state and county, and in the case of Michigan, by township also. For research in Silver Creek Township in Cass County, simply go to that link below and all the information I have posted related to Silver Creek will be located there.

When possible, I have included a detailed map of the townships. Information included on these maps includes: survey sections, road names, villages, geographic highlights, and cemeteries. Each section is one mile square. Cemeteries have been assigned a number on the map and are identified as such in each listing.


View roadmap of Southwestern Michigan

Berrien County

Berrien, a county which forms the southwestern extremity of Michigan. Area, 600 square miles. It is bounded on the west by Lake Michigan, and intersected by the St. Joseph River, navigable for keel-boats. The surface is undulating and mostly covered with forests. The soil is fertile. The county is intersected by the Michigan Central Railroad. It sends large quantities of corn, wheat, wool, timber and fruit to market. Capital, Berrien Springs. Population 35,104.

Hagar, Coloma, Watervliet, and Benton
Lincoln, St. Joseph, and Bainbridge
Baroda, Lake, Oronoko, Sodus, and Royalton
Pipestone, Berrien, and Niles
Weesaw, Buchanan, and Bertrand
Galien, Three Oaks, Chikaming, and New Buffalo

Cass County

Cass, a county of Michigan, bordering on Indiana. Area, 528 square miles. It is drained by the Dowagiac River, and contains several small lakes. The surface is nearly level; the soil is very fertile. Grain, cattle, and wool are largely produced. The county has extensive prairies and "oak openings." Lumber, wagons, etc. are manufactured. It is intersected by the Central and Peninsular Railroads. Capital, Cassopolis. Population 21,094.

Township Locator Map
Silver Creek, Pokagon, Howard
Wayne, LaGrange, Jefferson
Volinia, Penn, Calvin
Marcellus, Newberg, Porter
Milton, Mason, Ontwa

Kalamazoo County

Kalamazoo, county of southwestern Michigan. Area, 576 square miles. It is very fertile, and diversified with prairies, oak-openings, and forests. It is traversed by numerous rivers, and by five lines of railroad. Cattle, grain, wool, butter and hay are staple products. The manufactures include carriages, wagons, lumber, cooperage, flour, saddlery, etc. Capital Kalamazoo. Population 32,054.

Kalamazoo River rises in Hillsdale co., Mich., flows generally W.N.W. to Kalamazoo, and thence N.W. to Lake Michigan. It is 200 miles long, 350 feet wide at its mouth, and is navigable 40 miles for boats. It flows through a level and fertile region.

Township Locator Map
Ross, Richland, and Cooper
Charleston, Comstock, and Kalamazoo
Climax, Pavilion, and Portage
Wakeshma, Brady, and Schoolcraft
Alamo, Oshtemo, Texas, and Prairie Ronde
Index of 1890 Plat Map of Brady Township
Index of 1890 Plat Map of Schoolcraft Township

St. Joseph County (Michigan)

Saint Joseph, county of southwestern Michigan, adjoining Indiana, drained by St. Joseph River and its tributaries, intersected by Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Michigan Central, and Grand Rapids and Indiana railroads; has a rolling surface, numerous saw-mills, several manufactories, and raises considerable numbers of sheep and swine. Staples, wheat, Indian corn, potatoes, hay, sorghum- molasses, wool and butter. Capital Centreville. Area 550 square miles. Population 26,275.

Saint Joseph's River rises in Hillsdale county, Michigan, and after a tortuous course of 250 miles enters Lake Michigan at St. Joseph. Its mouth affords a good harbor, and the stream is navigated throughout half its length by small steamers Constantine, Michigan. - Another stream of the same name rises in Hillsdale county, Michigan, flows southwest into Ohio and Indiana, and near Fort Wayne joins St. Mary's river to form the Maumee.

Township Locator Map
Flowerfield, Fabius, Constantine Townships
Park, Lockport, Florence Townships
Mendon, Nottawa, Sherman Townships
Leonidas, Colon, Burr Oak Townships
Mottville, White Pigeon, Sturgis, Fawn River Townships

Van Buren County

Van Buren, county of southwestern Michigan, bordering on Lake Michigan, drained by several rivers and traversed by Central Michigan and Chicago and Michigan Lake Shore railroads; surface level, soil fertile and well timbered. There are saw-mills, flour-mills, wood-turning and carving establishments, tanneries and currying establishments, manufactories of carriages, pig iron and iron castings. Livestock of all kinds, especially sheep, is numerous. Staples, Indian corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, wool, lumber, and dairy products. Capital Paw Paw. Area 633 square miles. Population 28,829.

Almena, Antwerp, Porter
Waverly, Paw Paw, Decatur
Arlington, Lawrence, Hamilton
Bangor, Hartford, Keeler
South Haven, Covert, Geneva
Columbia, Bloomingdale, Pine Grove


View roadmap of Northwestern Indiana

La Porte County

La Porte, county of Indiana, bounded northwest by Lake Michigan and north by Michigan. Area, 450 square miles. A large portion of the soil is very fertile, but there are some barrens, and on the banks of the Kankakee there are extensive marshes. Cattle, grain, and wool are largely produced, and lumber is manufactured. The county is traversed by numerous railroads. Capital La Porte. Population 27,062.

Kankakee River flows west-southwest from St. Joseph's county, Indiana, through English Lake and through a flat marshy region. Joined in Kankakee county, Illinois by the Iroquois or Des Plaines River, it flows northwest, and pours its sluggish waters into the Illinois.

LaPorte County "Stuff"
Lots of different things here.

St. Joseph County

Saint Joseph, county of northern Indiana, adjoining Michigan, on St. Joseph and Kankakee Rivers, traversed by Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Michigan Central, and Chicago and Lake Huron railroads; has a nearly level surface divided between oak-openings, prairie and forest, has numerous manufactures and raises considerable quantities of stock. Staples, wheat, hay, Indian corn, maple-sugar, wool, and butter. Capital South Bend. Area 470 square miles. Population 25,322.

Township Locator Map
Excerpts from the 1880 book "History of St. Joseph County, Indiana"
"Pioneer Life".
Railroads, Telegraph, & Ferries.
"Dark Deeds".
Township Histories - German Township.

Porter County

Porter, county of northwestern Indiana, bounded north by Lake Michigan and south by Kankakee River. Area, 450 square miles. Its northern portion is sandy, the southern wet and marshy; the central part is productive and well timbered. Cattle, grain, and wool are leading products. The county is traversed by various railroads. It has important manufacturing interests. Capital Valparaiso. Population 13,942.

Township Locator Map
Furnessville Cemetery
Excerpts from "The History of Porter County, Indiana".Chapter I.
Book published in 1882 by F.A. Battey & Co., Chicago.
History of Pleasant, Porter and Pine Townships.

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If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or gripes (hopefully not the latter!), please feel free to email me at: ""


Disclaimer - I've made every effort to ensure that the items I've placed on this site have been accurately rendered against the original text. When items are questionable, I've highlighted it as such using either question marks or parentheses around doubtful areas. As I am simply doing this for informational purposes only, I must emphasize that the reader recheck this information for his/herself against the ORIGINAL SOURCE material to ensure total accuracy. Additionally, I have no desire to violate copyright laws, nor individual privacy concerns, and therefore I will not post verbatim any published works less than 100 years old. If there are any conflicts in this regard, PLEASE email me at the address above and I will rectify the situation.

Copyright ©, 2001, 2002 by T.C. Wyman, All Rights Reserved.