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Shedd Cemetery, Spring Creek Road, Three Oaks Township.

(Transcriber's Note: This is a very small, old cemetery, surrounded by farmland. Many of the gravestones are nearly impossible to read, and it is quite easy to see how this has occurred over the years as there are no trees, shrubbery or other natural windbreaks to shelter the cemetery from the elements. As time permits I will attempt to corrobrate this index with work done by others to insure completeness and accuracy).

Row 1

(From the back to the front of the cemetery).

1) (M)athil(da) Woerhle (unreadable).

Row 2

1) John ________, d. Oct. 3, 186(.), a. 7m, 26d.

2) Augusta, dau. of H. & A. Nibel, d. (Sept.) 12, 18(6)2, a. 6yrs.

3) Joseph, son of ___. & A. (Senge), d. Aug. 18, 1866, a. 2y, 9m.

Row 3

1)Wilhelm Rosso, geb. 22 Sep. 1842, gest. 20 (Apr) 18(46) (Stone broken).

2) ___bert Tottl___, died (Oct.) 16, 1860, a. 83 yrs. (Stone flat, nearly buried).

Row 4

1) Dorothy Lusso, 1811-1882.

2) Charles Lusso, 1800-1877.

3) Henry, son of F. & D. Long, d. Apr. 2, 1871, a. 2y, 1m, 5d.

4) Maria, Frau von C. Lusso, geb. den 12. Mai 1839, gest. den 28 Juni (rest of stone buried, broken).

5) Sylvester Sac___ , "Our Father" (rest buried, broken).

6) (Stone broken and unreadable).

7) Edwin D. ______, (rest buried and broken).

Row 5

1) (Stone buried).

2) Gotthelf, sohn von G. & (L. Ball) (Rest of stone buried).

3) Henry Bramhall, son of John J. & Sarah Bramhall; b.Mar. 7, 1859, d. Feb. 19, 1870, a. 10y, 11m, 12d. "Gone Home".

4) (Stone broken).

Row 6

1) August Schier, geb. 18(26), gest. (3) Jul. 1888.
  • Mary Schier 1840-1902.

    2) Friedrich Leistikow, geb. 21 April 181(6), (unread), gest. den 11. Maerz 1871.

    3) "Mother and Child" (unreadable).

    4) (Unreadable)

    5) Mary (L.), dau. of G. & C. Gibson, d. Jan. 31, 1873, a. 14y, 5m, (rest buried).

    6) Levi (G.), son of G. & C. Gibson, d. (rest of stone buried).

    Row 7

    1) Frank Nutter, starb Feb. 19, 1895, alter 73 Jahre, 4 Monate, und 15 Tage.

    2) Carolina, Frau des Franz Noetter, gest. Aug. 29, 1874, Alt. 56 Jahre.

    (Transcriber's note: In this portion of the cemetery the rows change direction and are generally perpendicular to the previous rows).

    3) August _____ (Unreadable).

  • Friederike (C.A.) (Unreadable).

    4) Wilhelm (Unreadable).

    5) Christian Proeber, gest. Nov. 22, 1872 (Rest of stone buried).

    Row 8

    1) (Unreadable).

    (Note: These three stones appear to be in a family plot).

    2) Lucinda, wife of John Redman, d. Aug. 1, 188(6), a. 65yrs.

  • Emma, (wife of) A. Stevens, Feb. 1834 - Aug. 1, 1900.
  • Minnie, wife of (John) Murray, d. _____ 1886.

    3) Emma

    Row 9

    1)Daniel E., son of A.G. & R. Spicer, d. Dec. 24, 1853, a. 17yrs.

    2) (Unreadable).

    3) John Stephens, (Unreadable).

    4) Louie E., son of J.(H.) & (A.) Laemmarhart, d. Mar. 29, 1883, a. 11y, 4m, 9d.

    5) ____ (Laem)marhart, d. Jan. 28, 1888, a. 60y, _____ (Rest of stone broken and buried).

    6) Vetterly

  • Rudolph, 1802-1889.
  • Mary, 1797-1869.
  • John, 1832-1863.

    (Note: Here the cemetery rows change again. Listing now starts at the east fence, going to the west fence).

    Row 10

    1) (Stone is buried; G.A.R. veteran's stake placed here).

    2) (Unreadable).

    3) Sam'l D. Hammond, d. Mar. 6, 1866, a. 45y, 1m, 2d. (G.A.R. veteran's stake here).

    Row 11

    1) (Stone broken).

    2) Heinrich Lecke, geb. (21 Feb 1796), gest. ____ (Rest of stone buried).

    3) Maria, Frau von Heinrich Lecke, ______ 25 Sept. 18(11), __________, alt. 71 Jahre.

    Row 12

    1) ______ Russel, ________, (a. 60 yrs). (Stone is partially buried and broken).

    2) Hetty, dau. of (H. & S. Tonn____), d. Dec. 24, 1872. (Rest of stone buried).

    Row 13

    1) Ann Eliza, wife of Benjamin F. Platt, "Mother", b. Feb. 20, 18(39), d. Jan. 10, 1897.

    2) (Unreadable).

    3) Nelson, son of (B. & E.) Platt, d. Oct. 1, 1871, a. 1y, _____

    4) Francis (A)., son of (B. & E.) Platt, d. ______ (1872). 5) (Unreadable).

    Row 14

    1) Sarah Magness, wife of James Mann, "Mother", d. Mar. 24, 1868, a. 64y, 5m, 24d.

    Row 15

    (Gravestones near roadway).

    1) Anna, dau. of C. & S. Decker, d. 1876 (Rest of stone buried).

    (Note: Several broken, unreadable stones lying against a tree here).

    2) Jennie

    3) Mother

    4) Shedd, Harry H. Shedd, b. Jan. 5, 1822, d. Sept. 17, 1902.

  • Maryette, wife of H.H. Shedd, d. Mar. 9, 1888.
  • Jennie Shedd, May 25, 1855 - Apr. 18, 1939.
  • Sylvester Shedd, July 22, 1851 - Apr. 6, 1926.

    5) Father

    6) Sylvester (Note: F.L.T. stake here).

    7) Mother

    8) Jos. Bramhall, Apr. 15, 1838. (Note: No other information engraved on Jos. Bramhall).

  • Malinda, "His Wife", July 31, 1827 - May 3, 1903.
  • Harry S.S., Oct. 16, 1866 - Mar. 1, 1869.
  • Mary E., Jan. 16, 1869. (nothing else for Mary).
  • Harry H., April 8, 1873 - Aug. 8, 1893.

    9) Harry

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