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Ephesians 4:1-16

July 27, 2003am

I believe in the holy catholic church. I believe that God has ordained the Church to do the work of the ministry to reach the unsaved with the gospel of Jesus Christ. There might be those who feel differently, but that’s their problem. We have to stand up and be the Church.

The CHURCH is the body of Christ. It is His vehicle or instrument to do ministry to a lost world.

The Church is to be holy- without spot or wrinkle. This means that the church realizes that its holiness is through the blood of Christ and only through the blood of Christ and it also realizes its responsibility and accountability for its obedience to Jesus Christ as the head.

The Church is to be a holy catholic church. This word catholic simply means universal. We are to realize that we are a part of the universal church. Each denomination, para-church organization and local church ministry is not intended to be an entity to itself but a part of the whole.

I believe in the local church ministry.

Football games are won on the field by real players in real situations; not on talk shows or in coaches meetings. Likewise, real ministry that transforms lives takes place at the grassroots level. All that is wrong with America cannot be solved through legislature or the court system. It can only begin tob e solved when Christians rise up at the grassroots and be the Church- committed to Christ, called to minister and consumed with passion for lost souls.

Where would this man be if it weren’t for the Church being the Church?

As a confused teenager it was a Christian family that took me into their home and a Church that taught me about forgiveness and God’s love. As a college student, it was at an altar of prayer in Church that God began to get a hold of my heart and life. As a young father and husband it was the Church that stood beside me as I struggled through some difficult emotional times. As a maturing believer it was the Church that came along side of me and helped me to grow and understand the faith in a more real way. As a pastor it has been the Church that has moved the ministry forward, gave me support and continues to be an influence in my life and my family.

The Church has made a difference in my life. But that is not where it ends. The Church is making a difference in your life.

How many of you can testify of the Church being there for your needs? How many of you can testify of the Church reaching into your life and being used of God to teach you and convict you of wrong? How many of you can testify of the life change that you have seen because of the ministry of the Church?

But there is one more statement that I need to make today: I believe in this local church. I believe in Shelby Wesleyan Church. I believe that God has called us to be committed to his ministry and consumed with passion for the lost.

I have no question about my call to this local church. I have no question about your call to this local church. I have no question about God’s desire for this local church to grow, flourish and prosper by his grace. I do have one question: Are we willing to do whatever it takes to see this church be all that it should be in Jesus Christ?

I don’t mean trying to do things our way in our power but willing to lay down our own agenda and our own ideas and allow the Holy Spirit to take control?

I believe that we do have what it takes but are we willing to do what it takes? I’m tired of trying to create purpose statements and missions and vision plans and the like. These are necessary but I believe that there needs to be something else. Give me results. Give me Jesus to give to a lost and needy world.

Are we willing to pay the price and do whatever it takes to build this church ministry?

1. The Church Called to Power. (3:16-19)

There was one goal in Paul’s mind for the Ephesian church and this goal is the same in God’s mind for today’s church and especially for our church: That you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Now do any of us believe that the Church has been filled to the fullest measure of God? How about the Church of North America? How about the Wesleyan Church? How about our church? Have we the power to see the Christ dwelling in our hearts? And it Christ is dwelling in our heart by faith, do we have the power to grasp- or comprehend- Christ’s love to such a point that it goes beyond mere head knowledge.

If I walked around and asked every one here if Jesus loved you, you would answer yes. No doubt. But do you really believe it in your heart? Do you really have that kind of power to comprehend how much Christ loves you?

Let me ask you a few questions as a test of this power:

a. This is a love that goes beyond our own thinking.

b. This is a love that goes beyond the things we have. I mean, give it all up, sell it all, or throw it all away? No matter what our age, money and materials are a snare to our Christian walk. I’m not talking about giving until it hurts. I’m not even talking about giving while it hurts. I’m talking about living for Christ and Christ only.

c. This is a love that is beyond what our friendships could provide. What friends are there that are keeping you away from Christ? Too often we are dependent on relationships with others to experience love and self-worth. God wants us to realize that only his love is worthy of experience. And with his love comes real power to make a difference.

The Church is called to be a people of power. We are not called to be a slicked up organization or well oiled machine. We are the Church called to reach a lost world. But until we can realize the love of Christ within our selves we will be unable to truly see the love for those around us.

God can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine. His power is at work within us if we allow this power to be unleashed. But, brothers and sisters, it is usually our stubbornness and our sin that keeps God from doing what he wants to do in our midst.

2. The Church Called to be One. (4:1-6)

But that is not all. The Church must stand together to reach out into the lives of people just like ours. The Apostle Paul writes in verse three: “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

a. Unity is not sameness. We do not need to look the same or act alike in order to be unified as a body of believers. True holiness in the Church is a Spirit-led lifestyle of humility and gentleness. We are patient with each other and bear each other’s burdens because Christ loves us and we love each other. We are not to go around making each other just like us.

Within the Wesleyan Church we have all sorts of differences that are brought under one umbrella. That is the attempt of the Wesleyan Discipline. Because we are composed of thousands of churches and hundreds of thousands of believers who believe in salvation and entire sanctifaction and a life of holiness, we approach these issues from different vantage points. To each of us we see certain issues differently and even elevate certain issues as more critical than others. But unity is not sameness. This is what makes the Wesleyan Church fun to be a part of. We don’t have to be the same.

On a grander scale, it is not our ministry to make the world into Wesleyans. I appreciate the other Christian traditions. I enjoy visiting other churches and hearing other preachers. I hope you do to- but not too much. The reality is that we are all different. Unity in the holy catholic church does not mean sameness.

b. Unity means oneness. “There is one body and one Spirit- just as you were called to one hope when you were called- one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”

One of the areas of ministry that we have grappled with in our community has been ministry to our Hispanic neighbors. Some have advocated a Hispanic church plant. But folks, I come across this verse and I am convinced once again that a separate church plant is not the answer.

The tower of Babel separated mankind because of sinfulness. The day of Pentecost was a day of unity of mankind because of the Holy Spirit. I firmly believe that we will build a church ministry here that meets both the Anglo and Hispanic needs. How? Only God knows at this point. But as we reach for His power and remain unified in the faith, we will see tremendous things happen. Why? Because we are the Church called to be One.

3. The Church Called to Work. (4:7-16)

Each gift is given by grace. Grace has been given as Christ has apportioned it. This refers to the topic of gifts. Not only are you saved by grace, lest any should boast but your gifts are the result of grace. In verse eleven: “It was he who gave...” This is grace. And this list is not intended to be an exhaustive list but a general list that is to help us understand the overall truth about how body of Christ operates.

The Church is called to work. We have a ministry to carry out through the power and the grace that is given to us.

Each one of you is called. So what are you doing?

In 3:19 are these words- “...that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” In 4:13 we see these words- “...attaining to the whole measure of all the fullness of Christ.”

Our work is to prepare God’s people for works of service. If you are not doing a work of service then what are you doing for the Church? This may sound like a threatening question but the fact is very clear that we as a Church stand together or fall together. We move forward as a team or we fail as a team. What is your work of service?

a. The challenge to leaders. The challenge is really laid out to the leadership. As your senior pastor, to our youth pastor, our Sunday School teachers and our Local Board, we are challenged to do what it takes to help you become workers in God’s kingdom. If the D-day invasion depended on Ike and the other generals storming the beach then we would have lost the war. But instead we saw the reality of various armies coming together to do what seemed to be the impossible. Each man who died and however he died did so not in vain but did so so that someone else could move forward.

b. The challege to lay-people. Its one thing to have leaders make decisions but it is another for those following to follow the leaders. Sometimes we may think our leaders are crazy. Sometimes we may disagree with their assumptions. And yet, if we are faithful in prayer for our leaders and submission to their leadership we will see incredible things happen.

The Conclusion. What are the results of a Church that realizes Christ’s love for themselves and others? We are at peace and bear each others burdens. What are the results of a unified body of believers who will work until Jesus comes? We will realize the grace of gifts that has been given to us. What is the result of using these gifts? We will not be like infants tossed by waves or every wind of doctrine. As we use our gifts to help others we will become stronger in the faith and mature.

What is the key? “As each part does its work.”

Are we willing to do our part? Are we willing to get together and pray as a corporate body of believers? Are we willing to allow God to do a work that only he can do and are willing to receive a work that only we can receive? Nobody else can do the ministry that we are called to do here in Shelby.

Are we willing to receive the power that only God can give?

Are we willing to do the work that only we can do?

Yesterday is past. The statistics have been turned in. History has been written. Our awards yesterday mean nothing today. Laurels make a terrible seat cushion.

Tomorrow may never come.

But today. Today is when we do ministry. Today is when we make a difference. Today we can change the world and we can start right here in Shelby, Michigan.

Do you believe in the holy catholic church? Do you believe in the necessity of local church ministry? Do you believe in this local church? Do you believe in Shelby Wesleyan Church?

I do and I hope you do. Because we are in this together. For such a time as this.