View my old
first/greeting page to this site, which is apparently a "faux paus of
web-authoring." Why you would actually want to look at it, I have no idea.
This page is constantly being "tweaked"... you know what that means.
This page created using the one and only E.N.I.A.C.
This my friends, is only the
beginning. If you are already saying,
that this is "dumb" or "stupid," just wait,
cuz it gets a whole lot worse than this.
And, just so you know, nothing you
see here will be anything new, you've seen it all a
hundred times at every other person's personal webpage
. And, even though I'm not really down with all that
"coppin' other peoples ideas" I'll do it anyway cuz
I am bored enough to make up a webpage, but not bored enough
to think up fresh new ideas.
Begin your journey through my site by learning a little bit
about me.
It might help explain why I am so messed up. Then, you yourself can learn how
to be sarcastic, just like me, by taking my easy, nifty, free
Sarcasm 101 course.
It costs less than any other college class and you will learn a whole lot, but the
only downfall is that you won't get a diploma upon completion. After you have completed
the course, and, if your brain is not still too frazzled, check out my
Drawrings and Poetry.
I hope they put you in a good mood. If that doesn't put you in a good mood, check out my
Most of them are pretty funny, so they should make you happy. If you still aren't feeling
the best you can feel, try going to my
Viewer Appreciation Page
which was specifically designed for the wandering web surfer to make them feel welcomed
and loved at my site. That is just about all my site has to offer so far, so, you can now
leave, preferably by following one of my
to some of the cooler sites on the web. But, before you go, be sure to check out my
This is where I will randomly pass out "mad props" to whoever helped me with the
creation of my site. Well, I hope you had fun, and enjoyed your stay, come back real soon.
About this website in general...
This website began as a plan of me and my friend Mike
W. aka Suparetard, aka Mix M@$ta Mikey to make a site
together. But they would require that one thing, what do
they call it, oh yeah, "teamwork." So, we decided to each
make our own personal ones, then sorta merge those and add
stuff to make one big site. So, this is my personal site. I know
its not much, but its "home". If you
have any comments, suggestions, or even nasty remarks,
please mail
them to me.If you find any mistakes, e-mail me with those so I can fix 'em. I don't
wanna look like a jack-ass with a bunch of misspelled words and broken links on my
webpage. Or instant message me
with commments at: TGW Hunta.
Special Alert:
The joined page of me and Mike will be coming to a Internet Browser
near you soon (but not very soon). Stay tuned to this page for further details.
Banners for sites I must include so I can get free stuff...
An amazingly astounding...
people have passed by and or through this page.