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Do You Remember..........?

I'm coming Out,
I want the world to know,
Got to make it show......

Don't Miss the boat!
Reunion Plans

Reunion Registration Form

Sample Memory book Page
Class Listings

Class Pictures

1991 Reunion Pictures
2001 Reunion Pictures

Back in 1981.......

Send Your Personal Update!


Detroit Southeastern High School official site

Jungaleer World
Detroit Southeastern High School
Class of 1981
Detroit, Michigan

**Great Weather and Great Weekend!!!**

The Class of 1981 at the 2008 & 2009
Detroit Southeastern High's
All Class Reunion.

WE HAD A GREAT TIME THIS 30TH REUNION!!.................
Time Did Past Quickly During August 26th and August 27th...!!!

Here in 2001-Click to see them back in 1991

Yes, It may be hard to believe, but the 30th reunion is

For those that missed out due to whatever reason, please sign up on the website or, so that you can receive notification for the next reunion, which will be in
August 2016.

And keep your email addresses current!! Some former classmates missed out on notifications because their mailboxes became too full. Like a real mailbox, if you do not empty it out, it will overflow and new mail can not get in. Check it at least once a week to clean out the spam. For those that say that they do not have a computer at home, GO TO YOUR PUBLIC LIBRARY, GET A LIBRARY CARD, LOG ON TO THE INTERNET, (have the librarian show you if you do not know how!) AND SET UP AN EMAIL ADDRESS WITH YAHOO!, HOTMAIL.COM, or ANY OTHER FREE EMAIL PROVIDER OUT THERE SO YOU WILL NOT MISS THE BOAT!

Never say never........ Thanks again for all the support.

Saja MuQaribu Miller


  • PICTURES FROM 1991........
    PICTURES FROM 2001........
    PICTURES FROM 2011........

    For those that missed it, back in 1991 & 2001, we partied like it was 1999!!

    Click and check out her website,
    Hmmmm.......Let me see..... Yourself?
    Class Celebrity

    Who Would You Like To See In 2011?..................

    If you are interested in being a part of a future Detroit Southeastern's Class of 1981" year reunion, click the mailbox and leave a message, pictures, or
    Email: det_81se "at"

    Thanks For Stopping By!

    Created By S. MILLER
    Copyright© 2001 - 2011

    This site recommends registration with:

    Friday, March 28, 2025

    Last updated 03/28/2025 04:16:42