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The site is still under construction!

The site will be returning in a bit.
Below, we have a news section to keep you informed of things going on.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas, please feel free to drop us a line. WE LOVE E-MAIL! Take care of eachother.

Updated: 10/14/03

Hey guys. Haven't updated this index in a few monthes, and I'm sorry for that. Just wanted to let you guys know we're still alive. We have been working our asses off writing/recording stuff for our "SLIT THROAT COMPASSION" cd. We hope it will be finished sometime in December. The site is going smoothly; we're making a few adjustments here and there. As many of you can see, Angelfire now puts BANNERS on peoples sites AGAINST THEIR WILL because they want cash, so we have found a new server host and are in the process of transferring everything over. Pretty soon, we'll have a .com domain, so hold your horses. That's about it for the news, we're still alive, and kicking. Expect a show next month with ANTHROPHOBIC YOUTH, AND ENTRANCE TO NOTHING. Also, expect a few Enraged hall shows, and basement shows through the end of fall and winter.
What you are hearing play in the background is a sample from Slit-Throat compassion!