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Udderly Nutz Dairy Goats

Welcome and thank you for visiting my goat barn. I hope you enjoy your visit here.

I first got goats when I was in 4-H and I just fell in love with them. I had to get rid of them when my 4-H days were over. The first thing my husband and I bought when we got some land and a barn was goats. My husband Dave and I actually met in the goat barn at our county fair.

I have since upgraded and purchased some nice animals. 2004 was a year of changes for our herd. My daughter used some of her 4-H money to purchase a lovely LaMancha doe from Tammy Tullar of Wayland, MI. She is an absolute doll and Laura just loves her. In Sept. the chance finally came to add a couple Toggenburgs to our herd. My original 4-H doe was an Alpine/Togg cross and I have always admired the beauty of this stately breed. My oldest son, Zack, used some of his 4-H money to purchase a yearling Togg from Willow Run, and then Laura was able to purchase a doe kid from Karen and Ed Hemker from St. Charles, MI. I was also able to purchase two bred does from the Seven-Maples herd in Pennsylvania. I really like these Toggs and look forward to showing all of them in 2005.

I am a member of the American Dairy Goat Association, Michigan Dairy Goat Society, and the Goat Lovers of Michigan. I am a board member of MDGS and am currently the editor of our newsletter, the MDGS "Goat News". The "Goat News" was named the number one club newsletter in the nation for 2004 and 2005 at the ADGA National Convention in October.

I hope you will take the time to check out the link to MDGS below.

Below you will also find links to my goat pages. I have pictures up of some of my goats. I really need to get camera happy and take new photos of everyone after I get them shaved for the first show.

Last updated May 16, 2005

You may contact me at

The goat barn, come see the animals
Visit the buck pen
The milking does
The young does
The LaMancha page
The Toggenburg page
The 2006 sales list
Memorial Page

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Some great goat links

Goat Kingdom - tons of links
Michigan Dairy Goat Society
Alchemy Acres - check out their tips