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*** The Entrenched Incumbent, Joe Knollenberg ***

Joe Knollenberg, United States Representative for the fine people of the 11th Congressional District of Michigan, has a record that is far from stellar. It is FAR, FAR from stellar. The word dismal comes to mind when I look at his record. One of the main reasons why I decided to run for Congress, was to allow the fine people of this district to be aware of who is representing them, and what kind of a job the are doing. And bear in mind, that while I take issue and hold great distain for the record of Joe Knollenberg, I personally have nothing against him, and I am sure he is a very nice person. First of all, by voting to support Permanent Normalized Trade Relations with China, HR 4444, and HR 5210, implementing GATT, as well as HR 3450, which approved NAFTA he has shown that his priorities remain not with the consumers and workers of the 11th district, Michigan, America, AND China, but with the multinational corporate businesses. By voting against HR 3846, a one dollar increase in the minimum wage, he again demonstrates that his priorities remain with corporate business interests, not the working people of the 11th district, and America. By voting against HR 417, which banned 'soft money' political contributions, he again demonsrated that his priorities remain with corporate business interests who want to buy preferred legislation, and not with the people of the district and America, who want and deserve clean, honest elected officials and elections. By voting for HR 2183, which would have prohibited states from printing voter materials in any language other than English, he demonstrates that he does not want people of ethnicity, such as Hispanics, to have the same fair, democratic voting rights as other citizens. By voting for H J Res 33, which proposed a Constitutional amendment prohibiting the desecration of the American flag, he demonstrates his utter disregard for the freedom of speech already in the Constitution, and his desire to restrict those rights of the people. By voting against HR 4690, which would decrease funding of prisons, and redirection of said funds to the Boys and Girls Club, demonstrates that he does not believe in preventionary methods of dealing with crime, but reactionary methods. By voting for HR 4, which supports the National Missile Defense system, and against HR 1119, which would reduce the amount of funds allocated to the Pentagon, Knollenberg demonstrates that he has no objection to retaining a Cold War military mentality, and a return to the nuclear arms race. By voting against an HR 4193 amendment, which would have increased funds for energy conservation and efficiency programs, and an HR 3816 amendement, which would have increased funds for research on renewable energy sources, and an HR 1905 amendment, which would have encouraged the devolopment of solar power, he demonstrates that he does not hold much concern for the waste of and our dependence upon rapidly depleting fossil fuels, or the future of our planet for generations to come. By voting against an amendment for HR 4690, which called for the implementation of portions of the Kyoto Protocol, and an amendment to HR 2854, which provided funding for restoration of the Florida Everglades, and an amendment to HR 2405, which would have allowed the EPA to investigate global warming, Knollenberg again shows he has little regard fro the future of our planet for our children, and our children's children. By voting for HR 3396, which prohibits same-sex marriage, he demonstrates that he believes that just because someone is different that they are not entititled to the the same rights and protections as other citizens. By voting for HR 3246, which restricts Labor Union organizing, Knollenberg demonstrates yet again that he is on the side of the business interests, not the workers. By voting against an amendment to HR 2127, which would strike language limiting the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the National Labor Relations Board, he again sides with the business interests, and not the workers, even comprimising their safety and well-being. By voting no on HR 51, which would have granted statehood to the District of Columbia, Knollenberg denies the representation of a people in our national legislatures, as well as the right to govern themselves. By voting against H J Res 90, which would have withdrawn US support of the World Trade Organization, he demonstrates that he has no consideration nor concern for the fact that the United States' environmental and Labor standards are comprimised, and put in danger. My list of greivances just goes on, and on, and on ....... ***************************************************************************************************** P.S >>> Joe, don't take offense at the devil image, I'm just playing with you ;o)~ *****************************************************************************************************

Joe Knollenberg's Congressional website
Joe's Politician Profile (where he gets his money from, politically)
Joe's ACLU rating ( 0% )
Joe's support of Union busting
