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These bars are used in Image Magick to create Sparkle logo's and gifs... 8-)

These are a few of the logos and gifs I have created using the bars you see above.. 8-)

My Homemade Muffy's Christmas Tree.... I drew it.. I scanned it.. I sparkled it... and I made the little ornaments... then placed them on the tree one at a time.... My tree is My Copywrite! and is NOT for use by anyone other than me. I placed it here so you can see just how creative you can get... even on webtv. 8-)

Making these gifs sparkle is easier than making an apple pie! Takes about 5 minutes and is loads of fun feeling creative... LOL

You will find everything you need to know to make your gifs sparkle in this page a friend sent to me! Just click on "Have Fun!" Go to Kelli's Tutorials and go to town!

Please do NOT use the bars above for anything more than to use for a few minutes to create your gifs! Angelfire does not allow remote loading... and your use of my bars could get my site shut down.. then we'd all be in a mess!

Thank You!

Muffy 8-)

It's a Muffy page! © 2001