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Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River Chippewa Restoration Web Page


In recent months tribal members have been monitoring the Tribal Council Meeting minutes to ascertain the direction and activities of the tribal council regarding membership. in May 2000 a tribal wide forum was sponsored by the tribal council to solicit community input into the longstanding enrollment problems of the tribe. At that time three options were presented to the membership:
A) Begin disenrollment proceedings.
B) Amend the tribal constitution to address enrollment problems; and
C) Do nothing.

Overwhelming support was shown at this forum to amend the tribal constitution to institute provision that would provide an end to the longstanding enrollemnt controversy. The council promised to follow-up this meeting by mailing a tribal wide survey on this issue. To date no such survey has been mailed nor prepared accordint to sources within the Tribal Enrollment Office. It is disheartening that the tribal council once again has failed to follow through on yet another commitment it made to the membership.

Since November 1999 the tribal council has granted membership to at least a hundred new members depite their awareness of ongoing enrollement problems. Many people feel uncomfortable with these actions and would like some straight answers on how these actions fit into the overall paln of the tribal council. According to tribal council minutes 21 members of the Schramm family have been granted membership and backpay of $88,000.00 each. According to these minutes Ruth Moses and Sue Durfee, blood relatives of the Schramm family, made the motion to grant membership and backpay. This action comes despite an OBVIOUS CONFLICT OF INTEREST that strictly prohibits tribal council members from voting or taking action that benefit family members.

If you are concerned about these and other issues that affect our tribe please e-mail us and share your concerns with us. We also invite you to join us to share and receive an update of activities of the tribal council. This organization welcomes EVERY family and are interested in your opinions on these issues. Children are ALWAYS welcome.

Please click here for the Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River Restoration Committee Mission Statement.

Please feel free to drop an e-mail to Bruce Hinmon for more information.