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X2 Project - Aerosal Art Magazine

Lady Kels Interview

Graffiti from a female perspective...

Keams (Q): Please state your name and the crew(s) you represent.

Kelsky Oner… SOLO


Keams (Q): Please state your gender (male or female) just to let our viewers know what the deal.


Keams (Q): When, where, and why did you get into the art form know as graffiti? In addition, how did you come up with your tag, and if you had another tag before the one you have now, what was it?

Since I was in like 6th grade I have always liked the concept of the word graffiti and it always appealed to me but I never started really getting into it till about a year ago. The I started writing practicing more and more and getting my things down and took it from there. As far as KELS goes it became a habit since I was a little bambino for everyone to call me KEL so I decided to add the S at the end and the letters are pretty dope. So I just stuck with it.

Keams (Q): Who got you started and who do you look up to for a "role model"? Also, who do you think is running shit with respect to bombing, piecing, etc.?

I have never looked up to anyone as them being a role model to me, I look up to myself in knowing what I got to do, and what I have to watch. To tell you honestly the person who got me started into graff was MI HOMBRE CRUDE OIL. One time I came in to work and I see this homeboy chilling there with a black-book so I started to work and he stayed there so I go to him oh what do you write? And so he was like OIL, and from there he asked me if I wrote and I was like kinda, then he was like show me what you got, and I wrote my name on the book and he goes that’s cool yo all you gotta do is add some funky shit to it and your set, so then I was like yeah that’s all I gotta do, so from there I took It to where I am now. (we like to practice through the window at 5am) LOL!!! WHODAY!!!!
And I would like to also thank my main homie TOGO because he is the one that is always there for me, and always down to show me some new ill shit. THANK YOU!

Keams (Q): Who are your favorite people to go painting with? Also, who are your favorite artists or favorite crews?

My favorite people to go painting with are basically all my boys, you guys are all dope. My favorite artist reflect on the AIM and DAM crews.

Keams (Q): What do like the most about graff and why? What do you have to say about the graff scene in Miami?

The thing I like most about graff is the pieceing, because it is a way, you can describe yourself and thoughts on a wall with colors and a unique form. The bombing is also fresh with the rush you get after doing it.
The graff scene in Miami is something to look at, it’s has it’s days compared to most places I been to, we are doing our thing and constantly there is a bomb everywhere I look or a fill in, and the places I been to soemtimes you don’t see anything!

Keams (Q): How has your style changed over the years? How has graff changed over the years?

Over the years?? RELAX…..
Graff has gone from the ol’ skool stage to now where your at the technology stage, and today it’s just a mix of everything and its pretty fresh to look at. I dig the ol’ skool a lot too. GRAFF DOESN’T CHANGE THE PEOPLE DO! (thanks)

Keams (Q): What do your parents and friends (not into graff) think about your graffiti?

Most of my friends are writers so of course their cool with it and when they see a female is interested, I see that they like to help you out more. I dig it. For all the girls I know that are not writers, some think it’s dope, some think it’s str8 up wack (just another hater), and some can care less. As for the parents point of view…goodluck! I don’t want to get into that.

Keams (Q): How has graff changed your life? Has it changed it in a positive or negative way?

You can say that graff has changed my life in both postitve and negative ways, but for the most part it has been postive so that’s good.

Keams (Q): Do you feel that graff is vandalism or an art form that the cops, media, and almost everyone else just can't understand?

Graff is both vandalism and art. The vandalism comes from the bombing, labels up, etc.. And the art form comes from the piecing dope ass productions that are around. Seriously the media need to kick back and relax, they can give three shits about a murder but they care even more for us, damn seriously they go out of their way in shit. It’s not cool!

Keams (Q): Some people say that graff should have no part in the hip hop culture... what do u think?

I consider it as one of the many hip-hop elements, graff always has it’s way to fit itself in!!

Keams (Q): What part of the world do you think is the best to paint in? Also, what part has the freshest writers?

I would love to paint in Europe, Japan or Australia, something out of the U.S
What part has the freshest writers?? Hmmmm….a lot of writers are rocking some dope shit right now, everywhere in the world has a some dope writers. But personally to me I think Europe and New York.

Keams (Q): Please tell me what graffiti means to you, along with one word that describes it.

To me graffiti means a lot to me. DOPE

Keams (Q): What's the craziest thing you have ever done (doesnt have to be related to graffiti) and what's the craziest spot that you have hit?

I have done a lot of crazy shit, and if your close to me you proally know the deal. The craziest must stupidest spot I hit were some heated ass tanks!!!! Little did I know though that they were the biggest heat from hell.

Keams (Q): Do you think that the more fame you get, the more people hate?

There is always a hater in the game. But I know mad people who have more fame than me and I don’t run around hating on them. The only big hater now a days is the PIGS. But regardless what you do, there is always gonna be that one hater.

Keams (Q): What do you think are the best things/spot to hit that run the longest without being buffed?

Stop signs, and Heavens…but lately a lot of shit has been getting buffed way to quickly!

Keams (Q): Have you ever painted legally?? If so, do you enjoy painting legally or illegally more? Why?

I have never painted legally but I would love to because it gives you that time to work extra hard on whatever it is that your doing so it comes out dope. Where I paint now is illegal but you still got that time to do your thing with out anyone harrasing.

Keams (Q): Have you painted anywhere outside of where you live? Is so, how is the graff scenes in that area different from the scene where you live?

Nope. But I have been to different states and islands and as far as graff goes in the Bahamas, it never existed there, like they don’t know what a Krylon is or anything, Cleveland well there was a little throwie on the side of the road and that’s all I saw. Chicago has fresh freight yards where mad heads get up at. And of course you all know New York got that dope scene.

Keams (Q): Do you have any interesting chase stories?

Yes I do, Do I want to get into it? No I don’t!

Keams (Q): What production do you feel is the "best of the best"? Is it legal or illegal?

I personally feel that the AIM and DAM crews productions are something to look at, whether their illegal or legal they are all dope from the backrounds to the colors, to the actual piece themselves.

Keams (Q): Do you think you see graffiti differently from your male counterpats (explain the females view of graffiti and its definition)?

I think, that….. I think of graff the same way every guy does, it just a natural thing, but the majority of the females I see get down with different girlie styles and stuff.

Keams (Q): What do you have to say for females entering the graff game? Also, do you have any tips for the writers just coming into the graff scene?

This is for everyone entering the graff game, Just come up with your own shit don’t bite anyones steelo, don’t get ropped and quit the game or change the name.

Keams (Q): Name all the members in your crew(s) and state why you entered that crew, how you got in, what holds you together, and what makes your crew stand out from the rest ...

I chose to be crewless for now.

Keams (Q): Do you think that graff is addicting? If so why? Also, what motivates you to do graff?

Graff is addicting like a natural drug, because once you paint you cant stop. You bust some ill shit and it motivates you to practice and keep up what your doing, and go out some more and rock some dope things. It’s like if you think about it like this “ IF YOU LIKE IT IT’S GONNA KEEP YOU COMING BACK FOR MORE”

Keams (Q): Do u think that bombing these days is just too heated or do you just say "I dont give a f**k"? Do u think that its expanding or dieing out?

I think it has it’s days when it is heated or when it’s not or when you can just careless. Graff will never die always multiply!

Keams (Q): Is it just me or are the police paying way too much attention to vandalism when they really should be trying to catch all the murderers, rapists, etc. out there? Expand on this.

Yup! They just don’t understand, seriously.

Keams (Q): If you ever get caught (hopefully you won't), do you think its better to be straight up with the cop or to deny it completely?

I think it is good to tell the pig str8 up. But sometimes you can deny the whole thing.. “what are you talking about officer?”

Keams (Q): What plans do you and your crew(s) have for the future? Do you see more legals or more bombing?

Definitely more things ahead, just keep your eyes open

Keams (Q): Where can one go to see your work? (Locations of legals, etc.)

Most of my work is at Krome pennet, where some TOYS like to go over me, outta no respect!, THOSE WORDS “IT’S A PENNET IT’S GONNA GET GONE OVER” don’t appeal to me I HATE that line. It’s all called respect. Also got a few things at Stadium pennet.

Keams (Q): Do you have any last words of wisdom for all the writers out there? Any shouts? Any "f**k you" comments to anyone out there? Any requests?

WORD OF WISDOM- Don’t fake the funk
Fuck you to the haters who went over me in the pennet, you know who you are!!!
To talk to me email me at

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