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Building Today's Youth
The Port Huron Cheetah's Track Club is a
non-profit organization dedicated to instilling
good health values and educating area youth in
the sport of track and field.Registration is
$30.00 (which covers the cost of the T-shirt & AAU registration fee).We
travel throughout the summer to various track
meets and running events held in the State of
Michigan.Ages of The Cheetah's range in ages of
4 thru 16.We encourage any child interested to
attend our practices held at The Port Huron Northern High School track and Holland Woods Middle School.
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The Cheetah basketball program for 4th,5th and 6th grade girls starts in January and ends in May.Our track program begins in March and goes all the way through August.For those who choose the basketball program,the $25.00 registration fee carries over to track season so they would only pay the fee once.
Cheetah Motto:"A Journey of 1000 miles begans with one step" Chinese Proverb
Keith Rivers-Founder/Director
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