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January 23 2003

Constants aren't so constant anymore.

Hey, today's date is 123. Fancy that! Today was pretty busy, yet nothing incredibly interesting. I was fricken pissed off yesterday at Dr. Mirs office to learn that I've actually lost weight. Damn.

I'm actually looking forward to doing that stuff for Patrick or Dutch Rub or whatever. It sounds kinda fun, although, if it was for someone I didn't know instead of Patrick, I would be charging money. I'm that good. ;)

We got this awesome new intern in the art department at school. I met him earlier this year at induction, he does these really cool sculptures, and now it turns out that he listens to Tom Waits and likes the same movies as me. It quite a refreshing change from the "please-like-skaters" type of teacher.

I think I'm out of words and time. Although I will add that my dad bought me this fancy spiderman beverage today, which was a pleasant surprise. Wow, my life is dull. eh....

listening to: "The Killing Moon" - Echo and the Bunnymen