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March 17 2003
Meet me at the gate. Don't be late.

You should all be impressed with todays featured Elfwood artist because her gallery is all Tolkien. Anyways, this weekend was very very nice. The weather is perfect, 70º currently. Oh, and tomorrow is my birthday. I told my mom that I'd go to the casino with her on wednesday, after mine and Janet's birthday party, but I'm only gonna spend $20. I'd prolly have more fun in an arcade anyways.

I'm feeling pretty drained right now. Sort of empty-ish. I think I'll feel better tomorrow. And now that I've had the opportunity to write in my journal, I have nothing to write. I just have to say, Hello Bucky! This message is for you: i decided you're half cat- half lizard. I guess thats more interesting than whole lizard, like me.

listening to: "Danger! High Voltage" - Electric 6 (my current theme song)