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March 23 2003
Its 1978, we're playing pattycake

For some reason, Jeremy Leach reminds me of Ben Folds. What a depressing weekend. Sometimes I wish I had more of a life of my own so I didn't have to get so caught up in other people's business. Not that I don't like being a worthless nobody, it has its perks, but I almost feel like I'm living vicariously through my friends' soap opera lives. I used to have one of those lives, and it sucked hard. I happy to be in my little niche of observing and listening to other people. Before long, my own life should start up again.

Well, we are starting a new band. It will be sweet. Maybe I'll be one of those people like Shane who joins a million bands at once. But most likely not. I'm not that hard working. Obviously.

I'm really really ready for school to be out. And once again I've lost the desire to plan anything for next year (ie, school, career, housing). I figure there's no big deadline now. If I don't get into school, I'll just start my career right away with illustration. Theres no education actually required. Don't get me wrong, I want to go to art school. I just haven't been able to bring myself to do anything about it. And my parents are so weird. At least my mom. The whole giving my friends secret messages behind my back.... Hmmm....

Listening to: "Come Around" - Rhett Miller