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Fantasy Portraits Here they are, fantasy portraits for you!

Princess Leia - Because she's cool, drew this for Jeff.
Cally - A hobbit girl I made up. She's kinda ugly, but aren't we all?
Legolas - Crappy sketch of Legolas that I might fix up somdey.
Catti-Brie and Drizzt Do'Urden - from the Icewind Dale Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore.
Grael Soutsmi - Another girl of Poseidon. Wish I'd done the picture a little bigger.
Hugh - Everyone's favourite Borg!
Poseidon - An example of a resident of planet Poseidon
Baroness - Very cropped, cause the rest was bad
Cora - She's a mage, you know. Real messy style.
Space Girl - An old one, but one of my all time faves.
Pink Girl - Watercolour/Ink
Electrolux - Some cosmic lady
Data - I don't really like the way this came out.
Arwen and Aragorn - I wish Aragorn didn't look so fake in this.
Haldir - No, its not Legolas.
Ki - The high elf orphan
Rage - you should know him by now!
Gandalf - Movie Gandalf in charcoal.
Funky Fairy - With hair inspired by Annie's imagination.
Surreal Elf - An awesome surreal ink painting done of an elf girl.
Minyaannonwen - request from Rachael.
Pixie - A quick ink sketch of a pixie, 1st in the series
Nymph - A forest nymph, 2nd in the series.
Fairy - Color fairy (prismacolors), 3rd in the series