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September 23 2004

There's a flame, there's a spark

Holy crap, today was.... actually not as bad as yesterday. For those who don't know, I have been recruited to join the pit band for a shitty local variety-type show. There are only a few performances, starting with tonight, so its not something that I have to do for long. But seriously, if you're a bassist and you haven't pizzed for awhile, do not attempt to do a 18761235 hour long show. I actually have blisters inside of other blisters. They hurt to the extreme, but I still feel better today. I'm getting used to the older men constantly hitting on me. In fact, if I were born a braver person, I'd be really into secret affairs with older men. Not these particular men though. Only three of them asked me to go have a drink with them at Bruno's bar tonight, eww. I also received a compliment from a nice young man. Ha. I don't remember what we were talking about but he was like, "You're pretty, I'd do you," and I was like, "Awww, how sweet." But overall, I'll be happy when this whole commitment is over. I find it quite ironic that I had to cancel plans with Jessica A. because she seems to be the one who is always incredibly busy, and I'm the one who never does anything. I also had to cancel plans with Jessica W. but that only made me sad.

I have a job interview this weekend. I'm not nervous because I don't have high hopes anyway. I mean, I would love the job, but I don't expect to get it. I would love to have even know purpose in my life. Going to school makes me feel great, like I'm accomplishing something. Except, I don't really think that I'm learning anything in my sociology or public speaking classes. Thats okay because I like my teachers, and I have pretty thoughts involving someone from one of the classes. But he falls into the "If I were a braver person, I'd do this.." category. Unfortunately, I am not a brave person and there is no future there. I'm happy just watching him though. He makes the dumbest facial expressions, and he seems so eager sometimes its pathetic. Its not like he's hot, just fun to watch.

I've been down this week, but I've come to realize that being in a bad events don't necessarily make for a bad mood. I can still easily appreciate things. Dude, oh my god, go now and download "I Put a Spell on You" by Natacha Atlas and play it really loud. I actually purchased the album, but if you're not really into middle eastern music, I still think you might enjoy her version of this classic. Or not. What the hell do I care.

So drawing has not taken place in this house for nearly two weeks. I've been busy, but all of a sudden I do have drawings that I need to finish, yet I have barely started on. This is disappointing. Plus, my Katie Holmes work in progress really hasn't made a whole lot of progress in a month. I'm going to break down and use 6b pencils, even though Armin told me that he never uses anything softer than a 2b.

Sha Sha seems to have gotten fleas, but the fleas seem to prefer to chew on me. I wake up every morning with new little pink bites on my ankles. I'm just a train wreck, eh? This was a pointless entry, but I felt the obligation to update since I finally have some time. Also, I'd like to wish a happy birthday to Annie and Greg!

listening to: "But She Beat My High Score" - Say Hi To Your Mom