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Miscellanious Whatnot Put here, for lack of an appropriate category. Some fantasy, some modern, some inorganic. Whatever.

Deviant ID - My new deviantart id, simple and clean.
Harr's building - Logo done for Harrs. Graphite, edited in PS7
Whippet - Another in my series of cute dogs.
Italian Greyhound - These are my third favourite type of dog.
Greyhound Puppy - I would love one of these! #1 fav dog!
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots - Based on the Flaming Lips song.
Lemur - A little critter I made up. Looks like some type of lemur, maybe?
Van Gogh - yes. just that.
Blue and Green Gryphon - Computer edited.
Blue and Green Gryphon - My newest gryph.
Surreal Bookmark
Olzog - My adorable pet eyrie