Exalting Jesus the Author and Perfector of my Faith. Salvation through no other source, Who gave His life for me and prepares me to mirror His image to the world.

THESE PAGES ARE DEDICATED TO EXALTING JESUS CHRIST For He is the way, the truth, and light, and Eternal life comes through no one but Him, His blood bought our atonement from sin. By Faith we are saved, through God's mercy and Grace. It is by this Faith we have Hope for our entry into Heaven, that is what 'saved' means. The Holy Spirit that lives in us produces the works that Glorify God. And it is the Holy Spirit that guides our gifts that are given to us by God. Yeshua Hamashiac I bless and Praise your name! You are my Master, My Savior, the King of kings and Lord of lords! Your Word says you are Father, Son and Holy Spirit, (three) and it also says, "Shema Yisrael,Adonai, Eloheinu, Adonai echad", (Hear oh Israel, the Lord our God, is one.) I can't begin to understand this so I take it on Faith. Jesus in Me the Hope of Glory!

John 7:33 Jesus said" If any man believes in me,...streams of Living Water will flow from within him." The writings are living water from Him and I am the flavor of the garden hose through which it flows.

God Bless it (September 12, 2001)

We were driving to Indiana today, as we did we went through several small towns. Everywhere American Flags flew and signs on nearly all the stores said "God Bless America". Even some bikers took over a green strip in the middle of a busy street. They had signs that read 'Honk if you love America" and "God Bless America". For a country that has been trying to get as far from God as possible, this is quite a change. The prayers that the children used to say in the schools were basically God Bless, our parents, teachers, our leaders, our country and ourselves. God Bless us is a very powerful prayer. Most people don't even realize they are even praying. God hears our prayers. We had a certain amount of protection when we were a nation that saw God as its head. PS 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD,the people he chose for his inheritance.

Just as was described in Ezekiel chapters 8 and 9,God's Glory departs slowly. We never really saw it happening. We did detestable things, the things God warned Israel not to do, this is just a small part:

EZE 8:5 Then he said to me, "Son of man, look toward the north." So I looked, and in the entrance north of the gate of the altar I saw this idol of jealousy.

EZE 8:6 And he said to me, "Son of man, do you see what they are doing--the utterly detestable things the house of Israel is doing here, things that will drive me far from my sanctuary? But you will see things that are even more detestable."

And we turned as far from a Just God as we could, scorning His laws, His love, His Glory, and Him, His Glory departed, little by little everyday, the darkness got darker and the light got fainter. Even those who say they Love Him, compromised with love for the things of this world. We wanted so much, forgetting that this world is not our home, forgetting that we are seated with Him in heavenly places, we lived lives that did not honor Him. I am so ashamed, But as Nineveh repented and came out from under the destruction God had scheduled for them;

(JONAH 3:10 When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened.)

we can also, we can repent and we can follow Zerubbabel's example:

ZEC 4:7 "What are you, O mighty mountain (a symbol for large troubles)? Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground (or will be made a non-problem). Then he will bring out the capstone (a symbol for Jesus) to shouts of `God bless it! God bless it!' " (the comments in parantheses mine)



I repent of the idols in my life, the many times I have rejected You and placed my needs, my desires, my self on the throne of my heart. Forgive me, and as for my nation: "God Bless it, God Bless it"

A Living water devotional by Katy Brezger. Please contact me if you have any prayer needs or any questions.


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